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Asian Women's Shelter

About this Organization

The Asian Women’s Shelter addresses one of OVW’s Priority Issue Areas, community-driven initiatives to address violence against women among diverse and underserved populations. AWS offers a multi-leveled, community-driven approach to technical assistance through building the capacity of survivors and members of underserved communities to respond to violence against women directly within their communities, as well as in partnership with OVW grantees. AWS’s TA project has three main components: Peer-to-Peer Comprehensive Technical Assistance, Community Driven Initiatives, and Collaborative Training and Technical Assistance. AWS provides TA through a peer approach, sharing on-the-ground experience, training and practical applications, while honoring the expertise and community-driven perspectives unique to each TA site. In a joint selection process, OVW and AWS select 5-7 sites annually for intensive, on-site training and technical assistance. Through participation as Peer-to-Peer TA sites, community-based programs across the country have been able to start language and culturally competent shelter programs; replicate AWS’s Multilingual Access Model; strengthen collaboration with law enforcement and other OVW grantees; create major philosophical and structural change within their organizations to respond to changing demographics; and reach new segments in their geographic areas, such as faith-based institutions, non-English speaking populations, and LGBT communities. AWS, in collaboration with community based partners and other partner OVW TA providers, provides additional training and technical assistance to 20-50 sites through on-site training and email and phone correspondence.


Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Valor US

About this Organization

ValorUS is a national organization committed to advancing equity and ending sexual violence. Since our founding in 1980, we have continued to build dynamic relationships across a diverse range of communities, institutions and systems, and mobilize our network of survivors and advocates to influence change. Through leadership, prevention, and advocacy, we are fearlessly pursuing a world free from violence where the dignity of every person is valued and respected.

Contact Information

1215 K STREET, SUITE 1850
(916) 446-2520

State or Territory Served

Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT)

About this Organization

The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) provides information on many areas of family violence and sexual assault. It publishes a quarterly information bulletin, conducts workshops, training, and an international conference and provides consulting and program evaluation.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST)

About this Organization

The Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking (CAST) is an alliance of nonprofit service providers, grassroots advocacy groups and activists dedicated to providing human services and human rights advocacy to victims of modern-day slavery. CAST was founded in 1998 in the aftermath of the El Monte sweatshop case. Its mission is to assist persons trafficked for the purpose of forced labor and slavery-like practices and to work toward ending all instances of such human rights violations.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served


About this Organization

V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a palpable energy, a fierce catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day helps these organizations to continue and to expand their core work, while generating broader attention for the fight to stop worldwide violence against women and girls.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Survivor’s Legal Rights

About this Organization

In addition to representing countless sexual assault survivors in their civil claims against perpetrators and other responsible persons and businesses, KW&R works to educate and train advocates, counselors, and others to be prepared to address survivors interested in pursuing legal action. They do so primarily through seminars and written materials.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Sexual Assault Training & Investigations (SATI)

About this Organization

Sexual Assault Training & Investigations (SATI) provides effective, victim centered, multi-disciplinary training and expert consultation regarding crimes of sexual assault. SATI goals are to: provide cross training for all disciplines with an emphasis on the law enforcement investigation and proper police responses; counter crimes of sexual assault by ensuring a coordinated, competent, and effective response by all members of a Sexual Assault Response Team and other community stake holders to hold sex offenders accountable; and increase reporting of sexual assault by providing responders with information that will give them the ability to effectively respond to all forms of sexual assault.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served