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Aug 23, 2019
Earlier this week, we kicked off the National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) in Philadelphia, PA. Over 1,700 participants are in attendance, including advocates, prevention educators, campus staff, health care professionals, law enforcement, and more.  We’re excited to share about how the field of sexual violence prevention is moving beyond the breakthrough of the #MeToo movement to open doors to real and lasting change. Over the last few days, we've highlighted some key takeaways from the conference shared by attendees on social media. Today is the final day of NSAC, and this morning,
Aug 22, 2019
Yesterday, we kicked off the National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) in Philadelphia, PA. Over 1,700 participants are in attendance, including advocates, prevention educators, campus staff, health care professionals, law enforcement, and more.  We’re excited to share about how the field of sexual violence prevention is moving beyond the breakthrough of the #MeToo movement to open doors to real and lasting change. Over the next few days, we’ll be highlighting some key takeaways from the conference shared by attendees on social media. Day two of NSAC continued today with a panel discussion
Aug 22, 2019
PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Harrisburg, PA — The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) and the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA) are pleased to honor David Fowers with the 2019 Gail-Burns Smith Award. Fowers is a licensed clinical social worker whose work to make communities safer focuses both on treating sex offenders and helping survivors heal.  Presented jointly by ATSA and NSVRC, this award is named in honor of Gail Burns-Smith, one of the first advocates who recognized and spoke publicly about how victim advocates and sex offender management
Aug 21, 2019
Today, we kicked off the National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) in Philadelphia, PA. Over 1,700 participants are in attendance, including advocates, prevention educators, campus staff, health care professionals, law enforcement, and more.  We’re excited to share about how the field of sexual violence prevention is moving beyond the breakthrough of the #MeToo movement to open doors to real and lasting change. Over the next two days, we’ll be highlighting some key takeaways from the conference shared by attendees on social media. We have a great lineup of plenary speakers for NSAC 2019. This
Aug 16, 2019
The need for better access to safety information while traveling has never been greater. Today’s culture of always-on news has made it increasingly difficult to discern fact from fiction, while safety-related information about specific neighborhoods or businesses is often hard to find or nonexistent online. Often, something tragic must happen in order to engage in a dialogue about traveler safety, which by then is far too late. [source] Lindsay Nelson President, Core Experience TripAdvisor It is important to TripAdvisor that all experiences - good or bad - that occur while traveling can be
Aug 14, 2019
The end of summer means a lot of planning for college students, whether it’s figuring out how to pay for books or pass their classes. However, a topic that’s often forgotten — by educators and students alike — is sexual health.  Sexual health is one subject that you can’t afford to overlook. It factors into both your physical and mental well-being — and being your best self is key to succeeding in school. By making your sexual health a priority, you’re showing that you care about your body and overall well-being. If you’re not taking care of your health, it’s harder to reach the goals
Aug 13, 2019
There are many different ways that communities and campuses choose to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). That's why we checked in with organizers from this past April to learn more about their events and the community response. Their responses help contextualize the planning process behind these events and also serve as an inspiration to future event planners.  Jacinda with The Philadelphia Prevention PartnershipPhiladelphia, PA Tell us about your event For SAAM 2019, the Philadelphia Prevention Partnership hosted RAPE CULTURE: It’s Not in Your JEANS! The event was an open
Jul 30, 2019
I’ve been having a lot of conversations with colleagues lately about community-level prevention. As our movement shifted over a decade ago toward a focus on primary prevention – stopping sexual violence before it has a chance to happen – many of us were inspired by this shift, which allowed us to do deeper work instead of one-time awareness presentations. Since this shift, much of our prevention efforts have focused on the individual and relationship levels of the social ecology - like challenging harmful attitudes and values, encouraging respectful peer behavior, and increasing positive
Jul 22, 2019
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center library is overflowing with great materials, containing more than 44,000 unique titles and growing every day. NSVRC staff members share four of the collection’s resources you might want to grab for your own library. Looking for research materials? Search the database at www.nsvrclibrary.org.  Soaring Above the Ashes: Thriving Beyond Childhood Sexual Abuse, Stories and Portraits by Emily Samuelson Author Emily Samuelson is an activist, psychologist, and survivor, and Soaring Above the Ashes is a fitting intersection of those three identities. The
Jul 19, 2019
By Susan SullivanPrevention Campaign Specialist, National Sexual Violence Resource Center For the past six years, the #30DaysofSAAM Instagram contest has been a popular and integral part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). The contest encourages creative engagement around SAAM, generates conversations around sexual violence, consent, and healthy relationships, and – of course – awards prizes. One of the less obvious benefits of the contest is the sense of unity and strength that it generates among participants and those of us who are looking on.    The concept behind the contest is