Oct 06, 2021
HEART fue fundada en 2009 en Chicago por Nadiah Mohajir y Ayesha Akhtar, después de que lanzaron un taller de un día para que madres e hijas musulmanas aprendieran sobre la pubertad, el sexo y las relaciones sanas. Más información sobre HEART.
En esencia, brindar servicios con acceso al idioma y elaborar un marco de justicia del lenguaje es cuestión de propagar el conocimiento y derribar las barreras que perpetúan la marginación de diferentes grupos. Dado que la mayoría de las tecnologías, proveedores de servicio y materiales informativos utilizan el idioma inglés, las personas que
Oct 06, 2021
Diana Mancera es la directora de membresía y programas en Jane Doe, Inc. (JDI). Ella desarrolla e implementa las iniciativas de las coaliciones estatales contra la agresión sexual y la violencia doméstica para brindar apoyo a la diversa membresía estatal de la coalición y supervisa la capacitación y asistencia técnica en las áreas de prevención, seguridad tecnológica y programación. Además, es vicepresidenta de Latinos Unidos en Massachusetts (LUMA), una organización sin fines de lucro que protege los derechos, educa, organiza y empodera a las comunidades inmigrantes.
Ariel Valdes (pronombres
Equidad en la salud y en el lenguaje: lecciones sobre el acceso y la justicia en el campo de trabajo
Oct 06, 2021
Equidad en la salud y en el lenguaje: lecciones sobre el acceso y la justicia en el campo de trabajo
En el Centro nacional de recursos sobre la violencia sexual [National Sexual Violence Resource Center o NSVRC, por sus siglas en ingles] tenemos un compromiso con el acceso a materiales, contenidos y servicios en diferentes idiomas. NSVRC es un proyecto de la Coalición contra la violación en Pennsylvania (PCAR, por sus siglas en inglés) y tenemos la obligación de proporcionar un acceso significativo a nuestros servicios en diferentes idiomas. Además, contamos con un plan de acceso a los
Oct 06, 2021
Vanessa C. Marcano-Kelly es originaria de Caracas, Venezuela. Es intérprete certificada por el poder judicial de Iowa, propietaria y lingüista principal en Caracas Language Solutions, LLC desde 2015. Conozca más sobre Vanessa en su sitio web.
¿Por qué eligió esta profesión y qué necesidades atiende esta profesión?
De pequeña, en mi Venezuela natal, tuve el privilegio de aprender inglés a una edad temprana, además de viajar a los Estados Unidos de vacaciones. Miraba anonadada cómo mi hermano mayor, de 15 años en ese entonces, se transformaba en nuestro intérprete de facto durante
Oct 05, 2021
Vanessa C. Marcano-Kelly is a native of Caracas, Venezuela. She is a certified court interpreter in the state of Iowa, owner and lead linguist at Caracas Language Solutions, LLC since 2015. Learn more about Vanessa on her website.
Why did you choose to do this, and what’s the need that it’s meeting?
In my native Venezuela, when I was little, I had the privilege of learning English at a young age, as well as traveling to the United States for vacation. I would watch in awe as my oldest brother, at 15 years old, would become our de facto interpreter during our family trips,
Oct 05, 2021
HEART was founded in 2009 in Chicago by Nadiah Mohajir and Ayesha Akhtar, after they launched a day-long workshop for Muslim mothers and daughters to learn about puberty, sex, and healthy relationships. Learn more about HEART.
At its core, providing language accessibility and building a language justice framework is about spreading knowledge and breaking down barriers that perpetuate the marginalization of different groups. With the majority of technologies, resource providers, and information using the English language, those in the U.S. unable to read English are often left behind
Oct 05, 2021
Diana Mancera is the Director of Membership and Programs at Jane Doe, Inc. (JDI). She develops and implements the Massachusetts SA and DV State Coalition initiatives to support the Coalition’s diverse statewide membership and oversees training and technical assistance in prevention, technology safety, and programming. She is also the Vice-president of Latinos Unidos en Massachusetts (LUMA), a non-profit organization that protects the rights of, educates, organizes, and empowers immigrant communities.
Ariel Valdes (she/they/ella) is JDI’s Part-Time Education and Training Coordinator and
Oct 05, 2021
At the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC), we have a commitment to language access. NSVRC is a project of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR), and we are obligated to provide meaningful language access in our services. In addition, we have a language access plan to work towards becoming more accessible. Our plan defines language access as “the rights of individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to receive meaningful access to federally funded state and Federal programs.”
The plan also addresses language justice, which is “the right of survivors to
Sep 28, 2021
Yesterday’s guilty verdict in the trial of R&B singer R. Kelly is a hard-won and symbolic victory for countless Black women and girls who are survivors of sexual abuse and assault. Our thoughts are with the survivors and their families, with the hope that this conviction can be a step towards healing.
R. Kelly committed abuse for decades, and while this truth was known, he has not faced legal accountability until now. This trial is one of the first high-profile cases of sexual assault where all of the victims who have testified are Black women and men. We must listen
Sep 27, 2021
In the past five years alongside the #MeToo movement, we have witnessed an unprecedented number of celebrities and public figures face allegations and criminal sexual assault charges. More recently, the compounding trauma and increased use of technology during the global COVID-19 pandemic may also contribute to more survivors sharing their stories publicly online. As high-profile individuals facing charges, the accused usually have loyal fanbases willing to defend them in the court of public opinion.
Despite research on the prevalence of sexual violence, many people still struggle to accept
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