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May 25, 2021
As an organization committed to the mission of ending sexual harassment, assault, and abuse, we recognize it will take ending all forms of racism to accomplish this. Racism, specifically anti-Black racism, is a root cause of sexual violence. Harmful beliefs that view other groups as lesser — like sexism, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, and racism — feed into the inequity and abuse that underscore all forms of sexual violence. In order to prevent sexual violence, we must acknowledge and take steps to undo the systemic ways anti-Black racism shows up in our communities and our
May 05, 2021
Find resources and materials here in our collection of COVID-19 related content.   2021 in Review: A Guest Blog Series on Resilience Amidst COVID-19 The Intersections of Economic Insecurity and Sexual Violence in the COVID Era Setting Boundaries for the Holidays During a Pandemic Self-Care in Times of Distress and Continuous Crisis Combing Through My COVID Hair With ACEs Research Digital Consent in the Age of COVID-19 COVID-19 and the Evolution of Human Trafficking     Resources for COVID-19 Response  Parenting During a Pandemic The Resource Spring 2021: Adapting to Crisis     COVID-19 and
May 04, 2021
In any crisis situation, survivors of sexual violence face unique needs and burdens. Due to the unpredictability of disasters, access to services and successful sexual violence prevention measures are delayed, leaving many to fall through the cracks as rates of sexual violence increase. The UN recently coined the term “the shadow pandemic” to refer to the increase in sexual violence, which has been an unfortunate result of COVID-19. With this pandemic still running its course, and many people facing economic burden brought on by the crisis, the exact financial impact of the crisis is still
May 04, 2021
Trauma has a compounding effect — life doesn’t stop while survivors are attempting to heal. In fact, in most cases, new traumas form and occur as survivors put in the work to heal from previous traumas. It is important to specifically mention the high personal toll stress places on survivors facing financial crisis. Survivors of sexual trauma already face disadvantages even in healthy economic times, let alone during global financial downturns. Research shows that “sexual violence can trigger adverse economic events for survivors, including increased expenses and decreased earnings.”
May 04, 2021
Research demonstrates the many ways in which economic strain increases the risk of child sexual abuse. The UN warns that, due to the unique circumstances of the Coronavirus lockdown, children are at a heightened risk to be sexually abused, including by adults seeking to make a financial gain on the growing demand for child pornography. “School closures may also lead to an escalation of child trafficking cases. Many children have lost their subsidized school meals, which is posing a new burden on fragile families economies. Consequently, many children might be forced into child labor or child
May 04, 2021
Just as COVID-19 has disproportionately affected people of color, the pandemic has inequitably impacted people of color who identify as survivors of sexual violence. New research indicates “COVID-19-related financial insecurity is greatest among Black and Brown women survivors” — drawing on already established systems of racism in medical care. Members of Black, Native, and Latino communities are nearly twice as likely to die from COVID-19, and already face heightened risks of victimization from domestic and sexual violence — all while being less likely to receive adequate care
May 04, 2021
The economic impact of rape and sexual assault is estimated to be over $122,000 per victim throughout their lifetime. The financial consequences of experiencing rape for survivors who are already facing poverty and economic hardship can impact their ability to maintain housing, and feed and care for their family. Economic insecurity is also a risk factor for experiencing sexual violence. During the pandemic, many people are experiencing economic insecurity, and with the mass loss of jobs and the impact of school and daycare closures due to COVID, the ability for survivors to achieve economic
Apr 27, 2021
Each April we have the honor and privilege of recognizing Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and this year is no exception. It may continue to look a little different than previous years, but the importance and the meaning is still the same. This year’s campaign focuses on building safe online spaces. What better way to highlight a few fabulous library resources than building those safe spaces. The first book on this list gives practical suggestions on ways to talk to kids. Following this is a book highlighting ways to help adults talk to teens about sex. I also chose a couple of books in our
Apr 23, 2021
When we talk about creating online spaces that are safe from abuse and respectful for everyone, that must mean a space where rape jokes are not tolerated. Rape jokes are always harmful — including in online spaces. When unchecked, rape jokes send a negative message that the trauma of sexual assault is not taken seriously — and that it’s okay to use that trauma to be deliberately offensive or shocking for attention on the internet.  Sexist jokes, rape jokes, and victim-blaming comments may not seem like that big of a deal because they are verbal and not physical, but they contribute to
Apr 21, 2021
The verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial is a long-awaited symbolic outcome, yet we still have a long way to go to end the police violence and systemic racism faced every day by Black and Brown people throughout this country. The trial made clear, once again, how far and wide and deep the trauma of racial injustice is in our communities. Accountability for one individual officer does not take down an unjust system of policing built on racial bias evident throughout the criminal legal system. Police violence is an ever-present threat to the dignity and safety of Black people, and it’s one of