Apr 14, 2020
Honorees include lawmakers, survivor activists, longtime advocates, nurse examiners, law enforcement and more
HARRISBURG, PA – The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) announced today 24 recipients of its 2020 Visionary Voice Awards — a diverse group of honorees from across the country who represent a wide range of disciplines and were selected for their outstanding work toward ending sexual harassment, misconduct and abuse.
This year’s recipients include Maine State Senator Erin Herbig, who sponsored bills to increase the statute of
Apr 13, 2020
By Laura Palumbo and Susan Sullivan
Each of us has a survivor of sexual assault, harassment, or abuse in our lives. In some cases, we know someone identifies as a survivor because they have trusted us with this information. More commonly, we move through our lives and relationships alongside the unspoken reality of those who have experienced the trauma of sexual abuse.
Author and survivor Maya Angelou said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” When someone you know shares their story of sexual trauma with you, it is a sacred gift of honesty, vulnerability, and
Apr 12, 2020
I want to say this upfront: I am not a parent. I spent my late teen years and early career working with children as a nanny, classroom assistant, child advocate, and a prevention educator. But I don’t know what it’s like to parent a child 24/7. So, I asked my parenting co-workers to send me some of their thoughts, ideas, tips, and resources for coping as a parent in this crisis — and did they ever come through! I’m honored to bring some of their thoughts and ideas to this post.
We acknowledge that this is a very difficult time for parents. A lot of parents are lacking support for
Apr 10, 2020
By Dori Pynnonen Hopkins, PhD, Evaluation Specialist at MPHI and Sara McGirr, PhD, Research Scientist at MPHI
Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) evaluates the Rape Prevention & Education (RPE) efforts in Michigan, which are funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Let us just start by saying: Conducting a statewide survey in the name of evaluation is not for the faint of heart. Survey research can be an incredibly useful tool that comes along with a steep learning curve, a high price tag, and mountains of details. Still, we are glad that we did it
Apr 09, 2020
Heading into April’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign, some communities and campuses are responding to the current outbreak of COVID-19 by discouraging public gatherings or closing their doors entirely. SAAM is a pivotal time for local rape crisis centers and other service providers to show their support for survivors, educate community members about consent, fundraise, and raise visibility about their services in their community.
How has COVID-19 Impacted Your SAAM Events? Tell us in this short survey.
Given the value of SAAM to these organizations and to survivors of sexual
Apr 03, 2020
Stop It Now! operates a Helpline to provide confidential and free support, information, and guidance to any adult seeking help in preventing child sexual abuse. Since launching our Helpline in 1995, we have helped more than 23,000 adults via phone, email, letters, and chat.
Our Helpline recently received an email from a man looking for help because his wife was upset that he frequently — and by his report subconsciously — put his hands down his pants. His wife was particularly concerned by this behavior in front of their children. Both he and his wife are survivors of sexual abuse, and his
Apr 02, 2020
Every 73 seconds, someone is sexually assaulted in the U.S., which means it’s likely that you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence.
Talking about sexual assault is hard. For many survivors, the reaction of the first person they disclose to, often a friend or family member, can have a huge effect on their healing process.
That’s why during this Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, here at RAINN, we’re focusing on the critical role that loved ones play in supporting survivors and their healing.
The free and confidential National Sexual Assault Hotline, which RAINN runs
Apr 01, 2020
By Laura Palumbo and Megan Thomas
Living in the digital age has taken on a whole new meaning as we collectively navigate a crucial need for social isolation in the face of a global pandemic. Although the impact of social distancing looks different for everyone, for most of us, daily life has changed in a fundamental way. Still, our lives are not on hold. In these difficult and uncertain times, physical distance has not changed our inherent connectedness. Relationships, community, and society have not gone away. Now more than ever, individuals of all ages are relying on technology, devices,
Mar 31, 2020
Supporters are invited to participate on social media and share a photo wearing teal on the Day of Action on April 7th
Harrisburg, PA –The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) commemorates the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April with their ‘I Ask’ campaign to highlight how to practice consent online and in everyday life. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are interacting online and via technology, and this year's campaign is raising awareness that consent is essential in all interactions, whether face-to-face or
Mar 25, 2020
At the age of six, I went door to door in my small rural community with my mother as she sat down with our neighbors (and their pets) to help them complete the U.S. census. Twenty years later, I held a temporary position working in the basement of an old mill building performing quality assurance checks over the phone with citizens who had submitted their census information. Working as a research assistant at a rape crisis center, and now as the evaluation coordinator at NSVRC, I use census data to write grant proposals, conduct community needs assessments, and evaluate the effectiveness of
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