Apr 21, 2023
I’m writing this at the time when the “New Year, New Me” wind is starting to circulate. The shame of “holiday eating”, the sugar demon, and jokes about elastic waists begin to build their momentum for the year. There will be sign up for bootcamps, restrictive diets, detoxes, and teas that make you sprint to the bathroom. And by the time you read this, you’ll be hearing whispers about a “beach body” or getting “bikini ready”, like it is somehow necessary to prepare to face our biggest nemesis, a body of water.
We all know that the movement to end sexual violence has been taken over by mostly
Apr 21, 2023
The average messaging of most anti-violence organizations include some variation on the following: “If you are in immediate danger, call 911.” Embedded in directing a victim of violence to call 911 is a key assumption—that law enforcement will make that person safer. But the headlines regularly feature stories of law enforcement officers accused of abuse: of their own partners, the victims they’re supposed to be helping, and incarcerated survivors of violence.
On December 29, 2022 in Florida, Cocoa police officer Patrick Kelly was charged with aggravated assault after threatening
Apr 21, 2023
Advocates working in the violence prevention field wear many hats. More recently, we have become hyper-aware of the compounding impact that working in sexual and gendered violence prevention has on those in the field- many of whom are survivors themselves. Many still struggle with trauma, are triggered by what they are exposed to in their work, or entered the field due to a personal experience or tragic event. Over the years, we have seen many workers within sexual/gendered violence prevention privately face harm in or even lose their lives to the very form of violence which they
Apr 19, 2023
April is Autism Acceptance Month. It is important to listen and learn from autistic people’s lived experiences. There are many ways we can support the autism community not just this month, but every month. We should learn from and uplift autistic voices, especially autistic people who are racial or ethnic minorities, are non-speaking, or who have higher support needs or comorbid disabilities.
For more information, check out the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, a great resource for general information based out of Washington DC.
Here are some additional recommended reading if
Apr 19, 2023
Honorees include advocates, leaders, survivors, lawmakers, and more
HARRISBURG, PA – The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) announced today 24 recipients of its 2023 Visionary Voice Awards. These honorees represent a wide range of disciplines from across the country and were selected for their outstanding work toward preventing sexual harassment, misconduct and abuse.
This year’s recipients include Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who has been a longtime supporter of sexual violence prevention organization Day One; Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives Task Force of
Apr 18, 2023
Trigger Warning: Detailed Descriptions of Sexual Assault, Rape, Child Sexual Abuse, Antisemitism, White Supremacy, Forced Sterilization, Forced Abortion, Murder, Genocide, and Violence.
A note to readers: Each year the Jewish calendar marks the observance of Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day). This day, signified on the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, is commemorated by Jewish communities around the world and honors victims of the Holocaust by remembering the unfathomable crimes and atrocities committed. This blog specifically examines sexual violence and the many
Mar 31, 2023
Toolkit Libraries
Issues - FrameWorks Institute
Since 1999, FrameWorks has studied how people think and talk about numerous social issues – and how communications can spark change. They host a library of toolkits on 18 different justice topics.
Explore the Toolkit Library- Racial Equity
With over 4,000 resources to search from, Racial Equity offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at
Mar 30, 2023
Supporters are invited to participate on social media and share a photo wearing teal on the April 4th Day of Action
Harrisburg, PA –The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) commemorates the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April with their “Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity” campaign. This campaign calls on all individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions to endeavor to build a foundation of racial equity and respect. As those invested in sexual violence prevention work towards a future without
Mar 29, 2023
Support Survivors around the country for #SAAM2023
April marks Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)! This year’s theme is “Drawing Connections: Prevention Demands Equity.” The campaign calls on all individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions to change ourselves and the systems surrounding us to build racial equity and respect.
This year in honor of #SAAM2023 we are hosting our very first SAAM Day of Giving. NSVRC and our founding organization PCAR envision a word free from sexual harassment, assault, and abuse. We are counting on everyone to support our mission to eliminate
Mar 23, 2023
The Mental Health Landscape
Mental health is largely not discussed in the workplace , despite the fact that many adults face mental health struggles. In 2020, 6% of US adults (14.8 million) “had at least one major depressive episode with severe impairment in the past year.” Depression does not always, but can, stem from a response to trauma with up to 51% of sexual assault victims meeting the criteria for depression.” Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can also develop as a result of trauma, with 75% of sexual assault survivors developing it one month after their assault. It is
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