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NSVRC Blogs by Laura Palumbo

Laura Palumbo is Communications Director at the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Laura works on strategic messaging, media engagement and educational materials to promote that prevention is possible. For seven years she had led NSVRC in developing materials for advocates, parents, youth and college students.

Consent still plays a role while social distancing.

There are many reasons this day can be difficult for survivors and their loved ones.

It is important to recognize the different needs, experiences, and vulnerabilities of survivors in different groups.

In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we’re shining a light on the intersection of these two issues.

New survey of 843 women in the entertainment industry found 94% say they've experienced harassment or assault.

As you or your children prepare to head back to school, it’s important to understand your rights under Title IX. You may have heard a lot about Title IX lately, and you might have some questions about what it is and what it does. We’ve rounded up some information on the basics of Title IX.

“All Americans accused of a crime are entitled to a trial by a jury of their peers. That right is essential to our criminal justice system, and the standard of evidence that must be met for a criminal conviction is by necessity quite high. In fact, the high standard of evidence required for criminal convictions is one reason why the criminal justice system cannot be the only avenue for sexual assault survivors to seek justice. It remains important for victims to be given the opportunity to tell their stories and for individuals and organizations to better respond to sexual violence and create safer environments."

High-profile cases in the media are an opportunity to educate the public about the realities of sexual assault. NSVRC provides expert context and research for reporters to cover sexual violence with context and credibility.

High-profile cases in the media are an opportunity to educate the public about the realities of sexual assault.