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It's the 20th anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and this year's campaign theme focuses on building safe online spaces.

Check out this roundup of each episode in our COVID-19 and Health Equity podcast series.

Nearly one in three women globally experience violence according to a new report from the World Health Organization.

We highlight two children’s books and two adult non-fiction books to help recognize Women’s History Month.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, and the 2021 themes include “Know Your Worth” and #1Thing.

It is important that service providers understand the connections between sexual violence and housing.

Respect Together's Statement on the Capitol Insurrection 1/6

Yesterday we saw events that demonstrate systemic racism, sexism, and the dangerous attitudes 
and behaviors that undermine efforts to end sexual violence play out in real time. While 
we respect the right to protest, which our Constitution guarantees, we condemn the use of 
force and violence to stoke fear and silence those carrying out the process of an election 
decided by the American people. 

These five books share positive messages and inspiring individuals.

Sexual assault may directly impact whether a survivor has access to basic needs, such as a place to live.

Regardless of what others expect, you have the right to decide what is best for you and act on those values.