Check out the most-read NSVRC blogs in 2024. Each blog is on a unique topic related to sexual violence. Below you will find the top five blogs from 2024 and the top five blogs that readers still enjoy.
The top 5 NSVRC blog posts that were published in 2024 are:
- Taylor Swift and the Dangers of Deepfake Pornography (February 2024): Taylor Swift was a victim of deepfake pornography. This blog examines the phenomenon and its origins, how it harms victims, and what can be done about it.
- How Colleges Can Get Involved in SAAM 2024 (March 2024): Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is a time for survivors, advocates, and allies to come together, spread awareness, and promote the prevention of sexual violence. This blog focuses on how colleges can get involved in SAAM!
- A Research Follow-Up to "How Often Are Men Sexually Harassed or Assaulted?" (October 2024): As the body of research on male sexual victimization grows, the anti-sexual violence field becomes more aware of the widespread prevalence of sexual violence against men and boys.
- In-Flight Sexual Assault is on the Rise (August 2024): Public transportation is a common place where people experience sexual harassment and abuse. This blog highlights challenges victims face and tips for travelers.
- Addressing National Trends in Housing Insecurity (March 2024): Safe, affordable, and stable housing in an important protective factor against both sexual violence perpetration and victimization. Housing instability can affect anyone in our community, but especially those who have had trauma or violence as part of their life history.
Sexual violence is rooted in oppression. Check out these top read NSVRC blogs focusing on the connections between oppression and sexual violence that have had a lasting impact and continue to have a strong readership:
- Reckoning with Sexual Violence, Sexual Terrorism, and Sexual Trauma in the Holocaust (April 2023): This blog discusses sexual violence during the Holocaust and draws connections between history and Antisemitism today.
- Remembering the Children of Native American Residential Schools (November 2022): All too often, white Americans mythologize our history to the point where we erase the horrors perpetrated by the leaders of our past. On Thanksgiving, we commonly celebrate the story of Native Americans and Pilgrims coming together while ignoring the centuries of bloodshed and trauma colonizers enacted upon the original inhabitants of this country. This blog discusses oppression faced by Native communities and highlights organizations working to address sexual violence in Native communities.
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