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General Information about Gender and Disasters

An international online forum for discussion, networking, and information exchange among a global network of researchers and practitioners interested in gender relations in disaster contexts. Resources include the GDN listserv, the Gender and Disaster Sourcebook, and the Gender and Disaster Network Knowledgebase.

Gender and Disaster Network (2006)

The Gender and Disaster Sourcebook is an online collection of articles, case studies, field guides, training materials, and other resources for those who are interested in and working towards a gendered approach to disaster risk reduction.

Gender and Health in Disasters
World Health Organization, Department of Gender and Women’s Health (2002)

This paper analyzes available research about sex and gender differences in vulnerability to and impact of disasters, and discusses the implications for disaster relief programs and policies.

Gender Considerations in Disaster Assessment
World Health Organization, Department of Gender, Women and Health (2005)

This one-page fact sheet presents key questions and recommendations for addressing women’s unique vulnerabilities in the wake of a disaster, with a focus on the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in 2004.

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