Indigenous Evaluation Toolkit (Seven Directions)
Seven Directions, with the support of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the National Network of Public Health Institutes, has produced an Indigenous Evaluation Toolkit. This Toolkit provides step-by-step guidance, worksheets and concrete examples to support communities looking to Indigenize and decolonize their program evaluation. Download the full Toolkit or fillable PDF versions of the activity worksheets below.
Best Practices for American Indian and Alaska Native Data Collection (Urban Institute)
Current standard data collection practices by many federal, state, and local entities effectively omit or misclassify American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations, both urban and rural. This is particularly concerning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as these current standards of practice are resulting in a gross under count of the impact COVID-19 has on Native people.
Building the Sacred: An Indigenous Evaluation Framework for Programs Serving Native Survivors of Violence (Urban Indian Health Institute, 2021)
Building the Sacred: An Indigenous Evaluation Framework for Programs Serving Native Survivors of Violence illustrates four places from which Indigenous evaluation is already taking place in violence prevention, response, and healing programs that have not yet been formally recognized in a culturally rooted evaluation framework. The four places are walking with relatives, planting seeds of strength, healing, and adapting in community— protecting space for grief and healing.
Analysis Plan for American Indian and Alaska Native Data (Urban Indian Health Institute): Uphold Indigenous Data Sovereignty through Data Practice
Evaluating Culturally Relevant Sexual Violence Prevention Initiatives: Lessons learned with the Visioning B.E.A.R. Circle Intertribal Coalition Inc. Violence Prevention Curriculum (NSVRC)