Join our Community
Finding ways to connect with other people doing this work can help to improve your practice. Our team provides opportunities for victim service professionals to connect online. Email us to ask questions or get connected.
Practice digital self-care
Self-care is an important part of sustained trauma work. The Feel Good tumblr is a one-stop shop for all things self-care, healing, and helping. Follow us today for a regular dose of Feel Good.
Follow us on social media
Many professionals use social media to connect with others and gather information about current events and happenings. You can join our online communities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Tumblr, or Instagram. The NSVRC Blogs provide a variety of resources and discussions on a regular basis.
You can also subscribe to an RSS feed for real-time updates on new postings and resources.
Resources for support
The NSVRC maintains an online directory of organizations and programs that provide information, services and/or support for sexual violence and prevention. Survivors can find listings for local sexual assault programs through most state or territory coalitions.
Online resources for survivors
This collection of resources is intended to provide information on online support through the use of forums, chat rooms, self-help and general resources to survivors of sexual violence.