To support the growth and development of the Rape Prevention and Education Program and determine priority needs NSVRC conducts regular national assessments.
Past Assessments
In 2009, NSVRC embarked on a three‐year process of assessing the primary prevention training and technical assistance needs of state/ territory coalitions, RPE coordinators and local rape crisis programs.
Read our initial report: NSVRC Prevention Assessment: Year 1 Report National Strengths and Needs Assessment (2010)
The second phase of the Prevention Assessment project focused on interviews with innovative prevention programs and a diffusion survey to document how innovations have spread throughout the sexual violence prevention field. The emphasis of this assessment was on how programs are thinking about primary prevention and the processes that allowed innovation to develop.
Learn about innovations: NSVRC Prevention Assessment: Year 2 Report Innovations in Prevention (2012)
In 2012 NSVRC NSVRC published a summary of the work completed during the third year of the assessment as well as a synthesis of major themes across the three-year project. The major activities of the Year 3 assessment were the completion of a national survey comparison of findings to the Year 1 survey.
Download the summary report: NSVRC Prevention Assessment: Year 3 Report and Synthesis National Strengths and Needs (2012)
Most Recent Assessment
The Assessment took on a new focus in 2021, which included a greater focus on community-level prevention and evaluation capacity. We also wanted to understand how prevention activities adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic. A follow-up survey will be administered in 2024 to assess changes over time.
NSVRC National Strengths and Needs Assessment 2021:Background and Methodology (2023)
Briefs on 2021 Assessment Results
Adapting in the midst of COVID-19: Strengths and Challenges in the Rape Prevention and Education Program (2023)
Connecting the Dots Between Health Equity and Anti-Oppression Work: Strengths and Challenges in the Rape Prevention and Education Program (2023)
Building RPE Capacity to tell our Nation’s Prevention Story: Strengths and Challenges in the Rape Prevention and Education Program (Coming Soon)