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NSVRC Blogs by Ali Mailen Perrotto

Spanish-cover El Centro Nacional de Recursos contra la Violencia Sexual (NSVRC, por sus siglas en inglés) ha publicado Este informe amplio detalla las necesidades de defensoras(es) relacionadas con la violencia sexual en comunidades latinas. Por ejemplo, mientras que el 91.4% de participantes en la encuesta nacional dijo que su organización ha identificado el perfil demográfico de la población a la cual desea servir, sólo el 19.3% pensaba que su clientela pertenecía a dicha población; también las personas participantes se refirieron continuamente a la importancia de crear materiales

This information packet provides a series of resources on the impact of sexual violence on work, sexual violence within the workplace, and current research related to this topic. It includes resources specifically for advocates as well as employers. The following documents are available as part of the packet: Overview, Guide for Advocates, Annotated Bibliography, Bulletin, Guide for Employers, Research Brief, Resource List, and Sexual Violence & Economic Security: The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program. Publish Date April 2013

This brief statement from the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) discusses the verdict from a rape trial in Steubenville, OH that gained national public attention. Read the statement. Publish Date March 2013

Sexual violence and economic insecurity are intricately linked. This guide is to support advocates in connecting survivors to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and ensuring that the TANF program is responsive to the needs of sexual violence victims.  This guide is part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

Advocates can use the resources in this document with working with employers to improve workplace prevention and response to sexual violence. These resources can be shared with employers to help inform their policies. This resource list is part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

The purpose of this research brief is to highlight the relationship between sexual violence and the workplace and examine gaps in existing research. This rearch brief will allow advocates to connect the research on sexual violence and the workplace to their work with the clients they serve. This research brief is part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

This overview provides advocates and their allied partners with information from available research on the connections between sexual violence and the workplace. It is intended to provide a snapshot of the issue of sexual violence and the workplace and how sexual violence impacts a survivor’s employment. This overview is part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

When sexual violence occurs in the workplace, it can create a climate of fear and reduce productivity and wellness of the entire staff. The purpose of this guide is to provide employers with information that may help facilitate their engagement in creating a comprehensive violence prevention and response plan in collaboration with community-based sexual violence centers. This guide is part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

This bulletin provides sexual assault counselors and advocates with information and tools to help survivors identify how their sexual violence experiences could impact their employment and how to respond to their workplace needs. This bulletin is a part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013

This annotated bibliography provides resources on the connections between sexual violence and employment. The resources highlighted in this guide can shed light on the needs of survivors and provide information on opportunities for prevention. This bibliography is a part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date 2013