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NSVRC Blogs by Emily Bigger

This handout provides a brief overview and framework for understanding the impact of trauma on survivors, communities, and those who serve them—and how this builds strong organizations and sexual assault services that are responsive to those needs. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

Este folleto ofrece un vistazo a las lecciones aprendidas a través de la Iniciativa de Demostración de Asalto Sexual nacional (SADI, por sus siglas en inglés) y las prácticas y dinámicas clave en las que los programas duales y de multiservicios necesitan reflexionar, específicamente sobre la forma en que se han estructurado los programas y modelos de servicio para mejorar nuestros servicios comprehensivos para los sobrevivientes de asalto sexual. Para saber más sobre otros recursos que la Iniciativa de la Demostración del Asalto Sexual (SADI) ofrece, haga clic aquí. Publish Date April 2019

This handout offers  a snapshot of the lessons learned from the national Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) and the key practices and dynamics for how dual/multi-service programs need to be critically self-reflective about the very ways in which we have structured our programs and service models in order to enhance comprehensive services for sexual assault survivors. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

How advocacy programs view and define sexual violence shapes their identity and impacts the concrete ways they offer services and speak to the community. This resource explores how by widening our view of sexual violence, we can open our doors to a wider diversity of survivors. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

Este recurso recomienda que los programas duales o de multiservicios reconsideren el concepto de intercesoría, para responder de mejor manera a las necesidades diversas y de amplia gama que los sobrevivientes de la violencia sexual presentan, revisualizando la intercesoría de tal manera que se extienda hasta cubrir más allá del cuidado y apoyo que se ofrece a través de líneas de apoyo, en las cortes legales, u hospitales, para también incluir el apoyo emocional crítico que los sobrevivientes requieren a largo plazo en una variedad de contextos durante su sanación. Para saber más sobre otros

This resource recommends dual/multi-service programs reconsider the concept of advocacy to be more responsive to the diverse and wide-ranging needs of survivors of sexual violence, and re-envision advocacy to expand beyond the care and support provided on helplines, in courtrooms, or hospitals, to also include the critical long-term emotional support survivors need in a range of contexts as they heal. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

Esta guía explora cómo los programas de servicios duales o de multiservicios pueden proveer servicios comprehensivos que atienden la gama completa que los sobrevivientes con experiencias variadas experimentan –yendo más allá de una respuesta inmediata a una crisis, a realmente cubrir, en su totalidad, la amplia gama de situaciones que afectan a los sobrevivientes, tanto inmediatas como de largo plazo. Para saber más sobre otros recursos que la Iniciativa de la Demostración del Asalto Sexual (SADI) ofrece, haga clic aquí. Publish Date May 2019

This guide explores how dual/multi-service programs can provide comprehensive services that address the entire scope of survivors’ experiences — going beyond immediate crisis response to supporting a wide range of both immediate and long-term issues that affect survivors’ whole selves. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

This tool assists dual/multi-service programs with restructuring their intake forms and procedures to align with approaches that are more survivor-focused and trauma-informed. Recommendations include building forms and procedures from a place of establishing relationship, safety, trust, cultural relevance, choice, collaboration and empowerment with survivors. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date April 2019

This infographic highlights the connections between risk and protective factors and social determinants of health at the various levels of the social ecology, and can be used to link sexual violence prevention with anti-oppression and related public health issues in order to create more effective change. Publish Date April 2019