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NSVRC Blogs by Sally Laskey

Sally J. Laskey is the Evaluation Coordinator for the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. Sally is a Community Psychologist with over 30 years in the violence prevention and victim services field. She believes in the power of evaluation to tell positive prevention stories.

La violencia sexual afecta a las mujeres, los hombres y los niñ@s durante toda su vida, y puede ser devastadora para los individuos, familias y comunidades. Sin embargo existen recursos para ayudarle. Esta hoja informativa de dos páginas provee definiciones y información sobre la violencia sexual. En inglés.  Publish Date 2012

The second phase of NSVRC’s Prevention Assessment project focused on interviews with innovative prevention programs and a diffusion survey to document how innovations have spread throughout the sexual violence prevention field. The emphasis of this assessment was on how programs are thinking about primary prevention and the processes that allowed innovation to develop. This Year 2 report contains findings from that assessment. Listen to podcasts with innovative programs. (14 mins) Strong Oak Lefevre from the New England Learning Center for Women in Transition 

In 2009, NSVRC contracted with Dr. Stephanie Townsend to assist in developing a plan to measure the primary prevention capacity of the sexual violence prevention field.  This is a three-year process being conducted in collaboration with the CDC and CALCASA/Prevention Connection. This is the Year 1 report for the project. Read Year 2 Report. Read Year 3 Report. Publish Date 2010

On December 14, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the initial findings of the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). This initial set of talking points provides information about the sexual violence findings. A brief summary comparing NISVS to previous national surveys is available at: National Research on Sexual Violence A Look to the Future  Publish Date 2011

The following talking points provide statistics, resources, and prevention tools to assist with communications about sexual harassment.  Publish Date 2011

The following talking points are related to the Jerry Sandusky case from Fall 2011. The sheet provide statistics, warning signs, health effects, resources, and prevention tools to assist with communications about child sexual abuse. Thank you to Arte Sana for providing the Spanish translation. Publish Date 2011

Safe, affordable housing is not only a basic human right and need; safe, affordable housing is a critical component of the healing process for sexual violence victims and survivors. Too many victims and survivors lose their housing as a result of sexual violence or find themselves trapped in homes where they have to endure further sexual victimization because there are no other affordable, safe options. When public policies and practices are informed by the housing needs of sexual violence victims and survivors, society can do much to alleviate the burden of sexual violence not only on

Several child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention efforts target parents and guardians, given that they are in a unique position to educate and protect their children from sexual victimization. This literature review examines research on prevention efforts targeting parents to support or reject three hypotheses: (1) Prevention efforts intended for parents increase their knowledge of CSA, (2) such prevention efforts motivate parents to educate and protect children from CSA, and (3) such efforts result in lower rates of child sexual victimization.   This review is a part of the Child Sexual

This fact sheet provides an overview of key U.S. national research studies currently available on sexual violence with specific attention to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). Publish Date 2011

Nuestro folleto en color para el Fondo de Alivio para Víctimas de Agresión Sexual; hay un foletto en blanco y negro también. El folleto en color en inglés. El sitio Web en inglés. Publish Date 2011