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NSVRC Blogs by mszymanski

This publication explains how to plan an effective prevention campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. It outlines the planning process for social marketing campaigns that aim to change behaviors. Publish Date 2014

This events list provides descriptions of Sexual Assault Awareness Month events and activities. Activities are organized by event goal: awareness, fundraising, healing, community engagement, public policy, and sexual violence prevention. Publish Date January 2014

A guide for adults and organizations for strength-based youth engagement. In Spanish. Publish Date January 2014

La campaña 2014 del Mes de Conciencia sobre la Agresión Sexual (SAAM) se centra en la sexualidad saludable y l@s jóvenes. Este abril, usa tu voz para tener un impacto en nuestro futuro. Esta campaña brinda herramientas sobre la sexualidad saludable de adolescentes y cómo propiciar la participación activa de jóvenes. Entérate de cómo puedes jugar un rol en promover una base saludable para las relaciones, el desarrollo y la prevención de la violencia sexual. La campaña SAAM 2014 involucra a personas adultas para que apoyen un desarrollo juvenil positivo y alienta a jóvenes a ser activistas a

A guide for youth on activism, healthy sexuality, and sexual violence prevention. In Spanish. Publish Date January 2014

The 2014 National Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign focuses on healthy sexuality and young people. This campaign provides tools on healthy adolescent sexuality and engaging youth. Learn how you can play a role in promoting a healthy foundation for relationships, development, and sexual violence prevention. SAAM 2014 engages adults in supporting positive youth development, and encourages young people to be activists for change. This April, use your voice to impact our future. Many resources also are available in Spanish. 2014 resources include: Healthy Adolescent Sexual

The 2013 Fall & Winter edition of The Resource includes articles on sexual violence in the military, complete with an interview with Air Force Maj. Gen. Sharon K. G. Dunbar; a youth board from Detroit and what it does to connect with peers; how the profeminist men’s movement was started and what it stands for; Ohio’s push to investigate formerly untested sexual assault kits; and how ancestral teachings are used to form prevention plans in indigenous communities. See what teenagers said when asked, “What are you doing to make your world a safer place?” View the features of the recently

The purpose of this guide is to assist physicians, nurses, and other clinical health care providers in meeting their professional obligations in identifying and providing intervention and treatment to older victims of sexual violence. It includes introductory information, such as definitions and a problem statement, as well as scenarios. Additionally, it discusses issues relevant to health care providers, such as practice recommendations, provider responsibilities, gathering patient history, examination, and evidence collection. Publish Date November 2013

This document provides an overview of bystander intervention, including key features and successful bystander education prevention programs. It also provides information on how preventionists and advocates can get involved in bystander intervention work.   This overview is a part of the Engaging Bystanders to Prevent Sexual Violence Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet. Publish Date September 2013

This research brief is for advocates and preventionists to use in their work to create, implement, and improve bystander intervention programming in their communities. The research reviewed in this brief provides insight into the mobilization of bystander behavior. Each study includes an application section, which provides advocates and preventionists information about how they can use this study in their work. This reserach brief is a part of the Engaging Bystanders to Prevent Sexual Violence Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet.