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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) seeks feedback from the 60 state and territory sexual assault coalitions and 55 Rape Prevention Education grantees at the state and territory departments of health on prevention priorities in the biannual Priority Poll. Here are this year's results. Publish Date September 2016

This research translation provides a summary of key findings on sexual violence as a component of interpersonal violence that is the wider focus of the Global Status Report on Violence Prevention 2014. People working to end sexual violence can use these findings to inform data collection, prevention planning and evaluation, policy advocacy, and community partnerships. Publish Date July 2016

These documents support the June 2016 online xCHANGE Forum: Exploring restorative justice and cultural relevance. This forum explores current research and best practices that involves cases of sexual violence and the culturally unique needs of our communities. Offender Apology Package Client Evaluation Package (Bend, Oregon) How Restorative Is Your Agency Assessment Sample Victim Impact Statement   Publish Date June 2016

The Spring/Summer 2016 edition of The Resource highlights culture in a number of ways: Director’s Viewpoint: Karen Baker, NSVRC Director, discusses how changes in the culture surrounding sexual violence have been prominent this year, from the Oscars to the White House. Evaluation is for everyone: Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA) shares their culturally relevant evaluation process, from building a framework to implementing strategies in the community. West Virginia’s online academy provides needed resources: West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (WVFRIS

Sexual assault is a widespread problem on college campuses. This tip sheet provides information for families to discuss regarding campus sexual assault as well as safety, consent, and healthy relationships. A list of questions to ask about how your child’s college handles sexual assault is also included. Publish Date 2016

NSVRC's xCHANGE Forum summer series is an opportunity for those working to end sexual violence to exchange information and explore new research. Through live discussion researchers, advocates, and practitioners can connect to better understand current research, best practices, and emerging needs. Publish Date 2016

The National Institute of Justice released a report on violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native women and men. Using data from the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), the report provides an in-depth look at the prevalence of sexual violence, physical violence by intimate partners, stalking, and psychological aggression by intimate partners. The report also looked at the impact of violence on victims. These talking points highlight key findings. Publish Date June 2016

  This guide is written for sexual assault program advocates working with families who are considering reunification with someone who has sexually offended. It provides an overview of the reunification process and how to navigate the process of clarification, reconnection, and reunification.   Publish Date May 2016

Developing and supporting healthy relationships is critical to preventing sexual violence. This infographic, developed in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, presents 5 keys of healthy relationships. Download the SAAM 2016 Infographic   Publish Date April 2016

Basile, Smith, Fowler, Walters, and Hamburger (2016) offer a window into the lived experiences of African American women in Sexual violence victimization and associations with health in a community sample of African American women. This research translation summarizes the article’s key findings to help support sexual violence prevention and response strategies with Black and African American communities. Publish Date February 2016