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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

This document provides a summary of recommendations that the Respect Together submitted to the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. It includes recommendations for trauma-informed protocol and practices, creating safer campuses through social change, and the intentional coordination with community assets. For more information about our work to prevent campus sexual assault contact resources@nsvrc.org. Publish Date 2014

This annotated bibliography is for advocates, policymakers, and allies to help inform their work of meeting the needs of sexual assault survivors. This document provides the best available research to explore sexual assault program services and the challenges with meeting sexual assault survivors’ needs in multi-service programs. This annotated bibliography is part of the National Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative project.       Publish Date March 2014

On February 26, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report on Intimate Partner Violence in the United States - 2010. The National Sexual Violence Resource provides this set of talking points for highlights on the findings related to sexual violence. For more information on emerging sexual violence research visit the NSVRC xCHANGE forum. A brief summary comparing NISVS to previous national surveys is available at: National Research on Sexual Violence: A Look to the Future. Publish Date Feburary 2014

The Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) Newsletter serves as a project brief to the field on the first national demonstration initiative designed to identify and disseminate information on promising practices for enhancing services to sexual violence survivors in dual and multi-service agencies. This edition provides access to community assessment tools created through the initiative and lessons learned from demonstration sites as they conducted community assessments.  Read Summer 2013 Edition. Publish Date January 2014

Una guía para jóvenes sobre el activismo, la sexualidad saludable y la prevención de la violencia sexual. En inglés. Publish Date January 2014

Un recurso acerca de la sexualidad orientada por el trauma para jóvenes que están aprendiendo sobre los límites y las relaciones. En inglés. Publish Date January 2014

Guía dirigida a personas adulas y organizaciones sobre cómo desafiar el adultismo y apoyar a l@s jóvenes. En inglés. Publish Date January 2014

Guía dirigida a personas adultas y organizaciones para un involucramiento de jóvenes basado en fortalezas. En inglés. Publish Date January 2014

Una visión general para personas adultas sobre el desarrollo sexual saludable de l@s adolescentes. En inglés. Publish Date January 2014

This fact sheet provides information about sexual violence prevention and how parents and caregivers can play a role in responding to victims and promoting prevention. Publish Date 2014