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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

This information packet provides a series of documents on bystander intervention, including current research, resources, and examples of bystander programs. It includes resources for sexual assault advocates and preventionists, as well as community members. The following documents are available as part of the packet: Annotated Bibliography, Bulletin, Guide, Overview, Research Brief, Resource List, and Online Special Collection. Publish Date September 2013

The Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) Newsletter serves as a project brief to the field on the first national demonstration initiative designed to identify and disseminate information on promising practices for enhancing services to sexual violence survivors in dual and multi-service agencies. This edition provides an overview of the goals of the SADI, introduces the Project Sites, highlights the stages of the project, and provides a sneak peak at the next phase of the project. Publish Date August 2013

An updated version of this infographic was created in 2020 and can be found here. This infographic is a visual snapshot of some of the statistics included in the NSVRC publication “Sexual Violence in the Military: A Guide for Civilian Advocates.” See the guide for more in-depth information.  Publish Date July 2013

These talking points are taken from the NSVRC publication “Sexual Violence in the Military: A Guide for Civilian Advocates.” This resource highlights what is happening in the military, the aftermath of sexual violence, and prevention developments. See the guide for more in-depth information. Publish Date July 2013

This guide, redesigned in 2017, provides information to support sexual assault services programs in strengthening their organizational and individual responses to survivors of sexual violence through the use of a trauma-informed approach. It provides an overview of the core principles of trauma-informed care and guiding points and questions to help organizations build cultures grounded in the philosophy of trauma-informed service delivery. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here. Publish Date 2013, 2017

This guide provides advocates working in community-based sexual assault programs with an understanding of sexual violence in the military. It includes resources for advocates who, through relationships and collaborations with the military, can offer support in responding to the needs of survivors and preventing sexual violence. The following documents are available: "Sexual Violence in the Military: A Guide for Civilian Advocates," an infographic, and talking points. Publish Date July 2013

This publication includes scenarios that depict everyday interactions among people and offers discussion activities and possible responses about intervening in sexual violence. See also: It's time ... to talk to your familyIt’s time … to discuss boundaries with your neighborsIt's time ... to listen to your customersIt’s time ... to protect your studentsIt’s time ... to help your friendsIt’s time ... to respect your coworkers Publish Date 2011

This publication includes scenarios that depict everyday interactions among people and offers discussion activities and possible responses about intervening in sexual violence. See also: It's time ... to talk to your familyIt’s time … to discuss boundaries with your neighborsIt's time ... to listen to your customersIt’s time ... to protect your studentsIt’s time ... to help your friendsIt’s time ... to speak up in your community Publish Date 2011

This publication includes scenarios that depict everyday interactions among people and offers discussion activities and possible responses about intervening in sexual violence. See also: It's time ... to talk to your familyIt’s time … to discuss boundaries with your neighborsIt’s time ... to help your friendsIt's time ... to listen to your customersIt's time ... to respect your coworkersIt's time ... to speak up in your community Publish Date 2011

This publication includes scenarios that depict everyday interactions among people and offers discussion activities and possible responses about intervening in sexual violence. See also: It's time ... to talk to your familyIt’s time … to discuss boundaries with your neighborsIt's time ... to listen to your customersIt’s time ... to protect your studentsIt’s time ... to respect your coworkersIt’s time ... to speak up in your community Publish Date 2011