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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

Esta hoja informativa aborda el impacto de las normas de género sobre la sexualidad y brinda ejemplos de cómo unas normas de género más saludables y menos restrictivas pueden prevenir la violencia y promover relaciones sanas. Incluye un escenario y puntos para discusión que resaltan una situación de amedrentamiento. En inglés. Publish Date 2012

This three-page fact sheet discusses the impact of gender norms on sexuality and examples of how healthier, less restrictive gender norms can prevent violence and promote healthy relationships. It includes a scenario and discussion points that highlight a bullying situation. Also available in Spanish.   Publish Date 2012

Esta hoja informativa subraya la importancia del consentimiento en las interacciones sexuales saludables y brinda información sobre cómo definirlo y establecerlo. Incluye un escenario y puntos para discusión que resaltan el consentimiento en el entorno de un campus. En inglés.       Publish Date 2012

This three-page fact sheet highlights the importance of consent in healthy sexual interactions and provides information on defining and establishing consent. It includes a scenario and discussion points that highlight consent in a college campus setting. Also available in Spanish.         Publish Date 2012

Esta hoja informativa ofrece una sinopsis para  madres, padres y tutores acerca de cómo hablar con sus hijas e hijos sobre el desarrollo de una sexualidad saludable. Incluye un escenario y puntos para discusión que resaltan una conversación entre una madre y su hijo. En inglés.       Publish Date 2012

This three-page fact sheet provides an overview for parents and caregivers on how to talk to your children about healthy sexual development. It includes a scenario and discussion points that highlight a conversation between a parent and child. Also available in Spanish.     Publish Date 2012

This guide provides guidance and practical tools for discussing healthy sexuality within the context of sexual violence for advocates, counselors, prevention educators, and activists. It explores healthy sexuality across the life span and connects this information with a primary prevention tools for local sexual violence programs.     Publish Date 2012

Esta sinopsis ofrece un marco para promover la sexualidad saludable como una manera de prevenir la violencia sexual. Brinda una base para definir una sexualidad saludable y características y conductas positivas, además de describir la conexión con la prevención, el cambio social y el apoyo a sobrevivientes. En inglés.       Publish Date 2012

This three-page overview provides a framework for promoting healthy sexuality as an approach to sexual violence prevention. It provides a foundation in defining healthy sexuality and positive characteristics and behaviors and outlines the connection to prevention, social change and support for survivors. Also available in Spanish.         Publish Date 2012

Safe, affordable, and stable housing can be a protective factor against both sexual violence perpetration and victimization. In 2008, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center partnered with the Victims Rights Law Center, National Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project, Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, University of New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania Community Legal Services to develop and conduct a national survey on housing and sexual violence. The information gained from this study led to the development of several resources to support advocacy at the intersections