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Victim / Survivor Support

True Yokefellow Laborers

About this Organization

To positively impact underserved populations whose life experiences have caused psychological and emotional trauma by providing community-based direct services conducive to healing and stability, and to encourage confidence to make healthy life choices through an array of relevant services.

We offer an array of gender-neutral services to encourage healing, growth and self-worth, including:

  • Advocacy
  • Court/Medical In-Person Support
  • Individualized Support
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Holistic Healing
  • Information and Referral
  • Survivor Volunteerism
  • Talking Circles
  • Therapy
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Emergency Assistance

The purpose of this program is to create unique opportunities for targeted community-based organizations to address the critical needs of sexual assault, domestic- and dating violence survivors in a manner that affirms a victim's culture. These opportunities effectively address language and communication barriers for the identified underserved population so they may gain access to appropriate services.

State or Territory Served

Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts

About this Organization

Support for victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence is made available at the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts through the Domestic and Sexual Violence Project. This culturally specific project is offered in direct response to address the need for equal access to direct services, information and resources, vital in the support of victims and survivors of trauma.

Founder, Reverend Traci Jackson Antoine; along with her team work in collaboration with faith leaders and law enforcement to provide training that enhance the quality and response that victims of color receive from first responders. Additionally, the project works alongside Northeastern University Law Students to provide cultural sensitivity training as it relates specifically to victims of trauma of color.

Trainings have garnered positive response from counsel and client; impacting how victims of color are perceived and thus represented within the legal system. The success and national recognition of the project is directly tied to its committed effort to provide victims and survivors of Boston’s inner city communities of color with a coordinated community response that addresses the individualized needs of victims and survivors through a spectrum of quality services, specialized training, and support throughout its network of partners, supporters and community leaders.

State or Territory Served

Tewa Women United

About this Organization

Tewa Women United envisions movement(s) rooted in P’in Haa (Breath of Heart/Life) and P’in Nall (Touching Heart and Spirit) that nurture and celebrate the collective power of beloved families, communities, and Nung Ochuu Quiyo (Earth Mother).

TWU has 5 innovative programs focused on supporting Indigenous women, families, and communities:

State or Territory Served
Taller Salud Taylor Teichman Fri, 05/29/2020
State or Territory Served

Organización feminista de base comunitaria con sede en Puerto Rico. / Feminist grassroots organization based in Puerto Rico.

Initiatives include:

Women and Health
Through a feminist vision, we promote women’s integral health and gender based violence prevention. Based on the conviction that when women prosper, their communities are strengthened; an integral look is promoted to the full development of women’s potential, creating work strategies with Loíza’s communities to open doors for the construction of collective power.

Community and Leadership
At Taller Salud we believe in forging an inclusive society, with active violence-free communities that advocate for their right to an integral health and that promote their mutual progress. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity for community coordinated responses and the skills of local community leaders in the search for common solutions for their families and communities through education, participatory processes and activism.

Peace and Development
Through this initiative, Taller Salud seeks to organize and mobilize the community to eradicate poverty, inequality and structural racism. We seek to promote a culture of peace, forgiveness and community reconciliation that allows greater opportunities for development and transformation for people and their communities.


South Asian Network, Inc. (SAN)

About this Organization

A community-based organization dedicated to advancing the health, empowerment, and solidarity of persons of South Asian origin in Southern California.

SAN offers the following services for domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, child sexual abuse, human trafficking, and elder abuse:

  • Safety planning for survivors and their children
  • Case management and advocacy including shelter placement, court accompaniment, access to public benefits and financial literacy
  • Counseling and emotional support for survivors and their children
  • Access to legal assistance in the areas of family and immigration law
  • Parenting classes
  • Teen dating violence prevention workshops
  • Children’s art workshops
  • Groups for young women being pressured into marriage
  • Interpretation
  • Community workshops to raise awareness about domestic violence and child abuse and the resources available
  • Prevention workshops and activities in collaboration with religious and community leaders
State or Territory Served
Sauti Yetu Center for African Women Taylor Teichman Fri, 05/29/2020
State or Territory Served

Sauti Yetu is a multi-issue community-based organization that works with African immigrant women and families both in the New York City metropolitan area and nationally.

Sauti Yetu’s services are evidence-based, focused on sustainability, and designed to leverage each woman and family’s strengths and resilience to develop solutions to problems that create barriers to their political and economic self-sufficiency and personal well-being including:


Sexual Assault Services for Holistic Healing and Awareness (SASHA)

About this Organization

SASHA Center s a sexual assault service, prevention and educational agency which is designed to provide educational/support groups to survivors of sexual assault.

SASHA Center provides:
Prevention and educational presentations/workshops to schools, communities, churches, corporations and other organizations to raise awarenessof sexual assault.

SASHA Center has a focus on:
Activism to provide opportunities for engagement within the community via rallies, marches, and open forumactivities to bring attention to the negative impact of sexual assault.


State or Territory Served
Sakhi for South Asian Women Taylor Teichman Fri, 05/29/2020
State or Territory Served
Sakhi for South Asian Women exists to represent the South Asian diaspora in a survivor-led movement for gender-justice and to honor the collective and inherent power of all survivors of violence. Sakhi is committed to serving survivors through a combination of efforts including—but not limited to—direct services, advocacy and organizing, technical assistance, and community outreach. 


About this Organization

Raksha, meaning protection in several South Asian languages, is a Georgia-based nonprofit organization for the South Asian Community. Raksha’s general direct services include crisis intervention, information and referrals, interpretation and translation, legal and general advocacy, individual and family counseling with children and adults encompassing a variety of issues facing the South Asian community. In addition to these services, we participated in a variety of community building and economic empowerment initiatives.

State or Territory Served
Positive Results Center Taylor Teichman Fri, 05/29/2020
State or Territory Served

The Mission of the Positive Results Center (PRC) is to create awareness and prevent the trauma that comes from experiencing violence and abuse. We specialize in addressing the impacts and source of bullying, sexual abuse, dating, domestic or inter-personal violence and sex trafficking.

Our goal is to help people Create Healthy Relationships for themselves, their families and the community at large. We believe that when you positively impact one life, you create space for everyone to live life abundantly!