This guide provides an overview of sexual violence in disasters and a range of recommendations for prevention and response before, during, and after a disaster. The guide is available in English and Spanish.
This two-page fact sheet includes basic information about the risk of sexual violence during and after disaster, and strategies for prevention and response.
These tri-fold cards include tips on sexual violence prevention and resources for survivors.
This action-oriented report is intended to inform key stakeholders about the link between violence against women and emergency management, identify existing system gaps and needs, and present effective strategies for mitigating the risk of increased violence against women in a major disaster.
This document discusses safety and ethical issues that must be addressed when collecting and using data about sexual violence in emergencies. It presents a set of eight interrelated recommendations with key considerations and examples of good practice.
The Women’s Justice Center issued this one page guide to survivors of Hurricane Katrina about strategies for protecting themselves, their children, and each other from violence in the wake of a disaster. Available in English and Spanish.
This resource recommends specific interventions to prevent and respond to gender-based violence during each phase of a humanitarian emergency. Available in English, Arabic, Bahasa, French, and Spanish.
This report provides an overview of interpersonal and self-directed violence in disasters, including risk factors and consequences. It highlights concrete actions that can be taken to address violence, and gives examples of challenges, innovations, and successes in preventing and responding to violence in disasters.
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