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Social Determinants of Health - Annotated Bibliography Emily Bigger Tue, 03/03/2020

This annotated bibliography explores research published between 2016 and 2019 on social determinants of health as they relate to sexual victimization.

Publish Date

March 2020

Sexual Violence & the Workplace: Annotated Bibliography

This annotated bibliography provides resources on the connections between sexual violence and employment. The resources highlighted in this guide can shed light on the needs of survivors and provide information on opportunities for prevention.

This bibliography is a part of the Sexual Violence & the Workplace Information Packet. View the full packet or other publications included in this packet.

Risk Factors for Child Sexual Abuse Sally Laskey Wed, 04/13/2011

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Annotated Bibliography CoverThis annotated bibliography features articles on risk factors and characteristics associated with child sexual abuse perpetration. The bibliography provides research on child sexual abuse (CSA) perpetrators as a general population, as well as special perpetrator populations such as females, juveniles, pedophiles, and sexually reactive children.

James Evinger's Bibliography on Clergy Ethics

The phenomenon of sexual abuse as committed by persons in fiduciary relationships is widespread among helping professions. This bibliography is oriented to several specific contexts in which this occurs. The first is the religious community, particularly Christian churches, and particularly in the U.S.A. This is the setting of occurrence that I best know and understand. The second context is the role of clergy, a religious vocation and culture to which I belong.