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It Matters! How Defining Sexual Violence Defines Advocacy Programs

How advocacy programs view and define sexual violence shapes their identity and impacts the concrete ways they offer services and speak to the community. This resource explores how by widening our view of sexual violence, we can open our doors to a wider diversity of survivors. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here.

Publish Date

April 2019

Throw Away the Menu

This resource recommends dual/multi-service programs reconsider the concept of advocacy to be more responsive to the diverse and wide-ranging needs of survivors of sexual violence, and re-envision advocacy to expand beyond the care and support provided on helplines, in courtrooms, or hospitals, to also include the critical long-term emotional support survivors need in a range of contexts as they heal.

Comprehensive Services

This guide explores how dual/multi-service programs can provide comprehensive services that address the entire scope of survivors’ experiences — going beyond immediate crisis response to supporting a wide range of both immediate and long-term issues that affect survivors’ whole selves. For more resources from the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) click here.

Publish Date

April 2019

5 Steps to Protecting Our Children: A Guide for Responsible Adults Chad Sniffen Wed, 10/10/2018

This guide provides information for adults on preventing child sexual abuse for the children in their lives. It discusses facts on child sexual abuse, how to talk with children, establishing healthy boundaries, fostering healthy sexual development, and taking action to prevent sexual abuse.

Publish Date


Securing Rights for Victims: A Process Evaluation of the National Crime Victim Law Institute's Victims' Rights Clinics Ali Mailen Perrotto Fri, 04/26/2013

This booklet discusses the the evaluation of victim's rights clinics, which were designed to increase awareness of victims’ rights among criminal-justice professionals and to respond to violations of rights through legal advocacy.

View this resource.


Publish Date


Incest: Sexual Abuse Within the Family Ali Mailen Perrotto Tue, 12/04/2012

This booklet by the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) responds to common questions about incest like how does incest affect the lives of incest survivors?; how can incest survivors help themselves?; and what should a person do who suspects that a minor is being victimized? In Spanish.

El incesto: abuso sexual dentro de la familia Ali Mailen Perrotto Tue, 12/04/2012

Este folleto por la Asociación de Tejas Contra el Asalto Sexual (en inglés, TAASA) responde a preguntas comunes sobre incesto como¿cómo afecta la vida de sus víctimas el incesto?;  ¿cómo pueden ayudarse a sí mismos los sobrevivientes del incesto?; y ¿qué puede hacer una persona que sospecha que un menor de edad es víctima del incesto? En inglés.

Human Trafficking Ali Mailen Perrotto Mon, 12/03/2012

This booklet by the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) includes basic information and statistics about human trafficking, and questions to identify potential victims. It also includes resources in Texas for more information and/or help. In Spanish. Ordering information (the PDF is free).

Publish Date

El tráfico humano Ali Mailen Perrotto Mon, 12/03/2012

Este folleto por la Asociación de Tejas Contra el Asalto Sexual (en inglés, TAASA) incluye información básica y estadísticas sobre el tráfico humano, y preguntas para identificar víctimas potenciales. También incluye recursos en Tejas para más información y/o ayuda. En inglés. Información para hacer un pedido (el PDF es gratis).

Confronting Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace Ali Mailen Perrotto Mon, 12/03/2012

This booklet by the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) answers common questionssuch as: What is sexual harassment?; what can/should you do if you are harassed?; what are the costs of sexual harassment for an employee?; and what are the costs of sexual harassment to an employer? It also explains the two types of options for a victim to file a sexual harassment complaint (internal and external). In Spanish.