Guides | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Skip to main content
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Preventing violence and reducing its impact: how development agencies can help

Targeted towards development assistance agencies, United Nations organizations, governments and nongovernmental organizations, the document highlights how the health, psycho-social, and economic consequences of violence impede development.

It identifies the gaps - and the many strengths - in current development agency violence prevention priorities and proposes a strengthened agenda for more effective violence prevention. It also puts forward concrete proposals to build up the institutional foundations necessary for violence prevention at both national and international levels.

Preventing Pregnancy from Sexual Assault: Four Action Strategies to Improve Hospital Policies on Provision of Emergency Contraception

Preventing Pregnancy from Sexual Assault: Four Action Strategies to Improve Hospital Policies on Provision of Emergency ContraceptionThis toolkit provides facts about emergency contraception for rape survivors, tools and strategies to assess the need for increased access, and four strategies to increase access. The four strategies discussed are legislation, administrative efforts, litigation and voluntary efforts.

Sexual Violence and HIV: A Technical Assistance Guide for Victim Service Providers

This guide provides information on the prevalence of sexual violence and HIV, types of available HIV testing and treatment, benefits and risks of such testing and treatment, victims’ possible fears surrounding HIV, sexual offender testing, and steps victim service professionals can take to meet the needs of sexual violence

La violencia sexual durante desastres: Guía de planificación para la prevención y respuesta

A través de esta guía, escrita por Alisa Klein, el lector podrá obtener información importante sobre la violencia sexual y los desastres. Con esta información, cualquier comunidad podrá comprender mejor la conexión entre ambos fenómenos y preparar mejores respuestas para casos de desastre. La guía ofrece una variedad de recomendaciones, desde sugerir pequeños cambios hasta desarrollar planes integrales, hacer preparativos y coordinar un cambio de políticas de gran alcance.