Infographic | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Skip to main content
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Sexual Violence and Oppression Infographic Emily Bigger Thu, 08/13/2020

Certain groups of people experience sexual violence at higher rates. We’ve all read or heard this type of statement before, right? We know that sexual violence is inextricably tied to oppression, but how do we communicate effectively about this? Learn more with this infographic.

Publish Date

August 2020

2018 Research Priority Poll

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) seeks feedback from the 60 state and territory sexual assault coalitions and 55 Rape Prevention Education grantees at the state and territory departments of health on research priorities in a biannual Priority Poll.

Publish Date

July 2018

5 Keys of Healthy Relationships Sally Laskey Thu, 04/28/2016

Infographic ImageDeveloping and supporting healthy relationships is critical to preventing sexual violence. This infographic, developed in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, presents 5 keys of healthy relationships.

Preventing and Responding to Campus Sexual Violence Infographic Taylor Teichman Tue, 09/29/2015

Across the nation, concerns over the rate of sexual assault on college campuses have generated public interest, new federal regulations, and intense focus. This infographic brings awareness and understanding to campus sexual violence and the new federal laws for coalitions, college campuses and advocates.

Publish Date