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Colleges and Universities

2014 Student Summit on Sexual Assault: Report & Recommendations

This report was born out of the Student Summit on Sexual Assault that was facilitated by CALCASA in April 2014. Over 50 students participated, representing public and private universities and community colleges. It includes student recommendations on how colleges and universities can better respond to incidents of sexual assault and better support survivors with resources, information and transparency.

Publish Date


The Resource Newsletter of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center: Fall/Winter 2014 mszymanski Fri, 10/24/2014

The 2014 Fall & Winter edition of The Resource celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act.

The Historically Black College and University Campus Sexual Assault (HBCU-CSA) Study

This technical research report explores the prevalence, context, response, reactions and reporting of various forms of sexual violence on historically black college and university campuses.  This research was conducted in an effort to close current gaps in the literature in this topic area.

Read the full technical report and summary.

Publish Date

November 2010

A thin line: Digital Drama

"The Web and cell phones help us communicate, connect and learn in ways we never could before, but they've also forever changed how we interact with others. Things we used to share in person – and in private – can now be broadcast to thousands, instantly. Sometimes we type things we would never say to someone's face. As a result, new issues like forced sexting, textual harassment and cyberbullyiing have emerged, which now affect a majority of young people in the U.S."