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Healing from Sexual Violence

Module 3- Healing Centered Care

This section offers a brief overview of trauma-informed care, focusing on the way it shapes a program’s philosophy, culture, and services. This module will introduce the primary concepts of trauma-informed care with the goal of familiarizing participants with the tenets by which to approach advocacy work. Additional information specific to advocacy practices will be explored later in the training

A Survivor’s Guide to Understanding Therapeutic Healing Pathways

Given that our SAAM 2023 theme is all about drawing connections, it’s vital to reflect on one of the most important connections we can make-the one with ourselves. The path to healing is a complex journey. Therapeutic outlets are one of the most common ways survivors of trauma express, process, and find closure in their lives. Although therapy and counseling are becoming increasingly common, the sheer number of options available can be overwhelming-especially when one is at the start of their healing journey.

Building Resilience: Conversations with and about Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

Building Resilience: Conversations is a 12 episode podcast series for rural advocates about serving adult survivors of child sexual abuse. These resources will help rural advocacy programs understand the ways that child sexual abuse impacts survivors throughout the lifespan and how the impact and healing of child sexual abuse manifests into adulthood.

Trauma in my Pocket: Social Media and Memories of Sexual Harassment after Field Research

I did my PhD field research in Nairobi, Kenya, over the period of about nine months over 2019 and 2020. I was doing a qualitative study of strategies for wellbeing among Congolese refugees in the city and met some of the most incredible people I’ve ever known. Unfortunately, my time was also peppered with experiences of sexual harassment, particularly at the hands of two of my male informants. These men were both leaders in their respective communities and acted as ‘gatekeepers,’ controlling the level of access I had to large numbers of participants.

Online Communities for Survivors: Websites and Resources Offering Support and Help JL Heinze Tue, 03/01/2022

The following listing of survivor communities and hubs are intended to provide online support through the use of forums, chat rooms, self-help, and general resources to survivors of sexual violence. These resources are organized by the following: peer support, military service members and veterans, male survivors, culturally specific online support, and support for partners of sexual abuse survivors. Sexual Assault Programs should review these resources to become familiar with them before offering recommendations to survivors.