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Intersections of Sexual Violence


This guide provides information on developing gender literate sexuality education designed for policymakers, curriculum developers, and educators in order to develop sexuality/HIV education materials that also teach critical thinking about gender norms and roles. 

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Poverty and Sexual Violence Building Prevention and Intervention Responses: a guide for counselors and advocates

This guide includes definitions and discussion of terms; a review of current literature showing the links between sexual violence and poverty; a philosophical framework for economic advocacy; strategies for applying economic advocacy to the work; concluding thoughts; tools and resources; and fact sheets.

Publish Date


Why It Matters: Rethinking Victim Assistance for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Victims of Hate Violence and Intimate Partner Violence

This report, the product of a 2009 survey of victim assistance providers and LGBTQ anti-violence programs throughout the United States, describes widespread gaps in victim services for LGBTQ victims of crime and recommends steps to improve both the services and their accessibility.

Publish Date


Immigration Relief for Crime Victims: The U Visa Manual Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 03/03/2010

This manual aims to provide guidance to lawyers on issues that arise in the context of representing U visa applicants. It is designed for practitioners who are familiar with basic immigration terms and legal concepts. The manual is not meant to be an exhaustive source of the law; it is not meant to provide instruction on every aspect of representation, nor is it meant to take the place of direct legal advice, advocacy, or a practitioner’s own research and evaluation of the case.

Crimes Against People with Disabilities, 2007

Using 2007 National Crime Victimization Survey data, BJS estimates that about one third (34%) of the crimes against persons with or without a disability in 2007 were serious violent crimes (rape/sexual assault, robbery, or aggravated assault). Persons with disabilities were victims of about 47,000 rapes.  Rates of rape and sexual assault were more than twice those for people without disabilities. Youth with a disability ages 12 to 19 experienced violence at nearly twice the rate as those without a disability.

Gender Equity Index 2009 (GEI)

This Occasional Paper is entitled Beijing and Beyond: Putting Gender Economics at the Forefront, Fifteen Years After the World Conference on Women. This paper demonstrates that, notwithstanding some advances since the Beijing Conference and the adoption of CEDAW, the UN member States still have not fully implemented their commitments to gender equity as an essential condition for sustainable economic and social development.

World Report 2010

This 20th annual World Report summarizes human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. It reflects extensive investigative work undertaken in 2009 by Human Rights Watch staff, usually in close partnership with human rights activists in the country in question.

World Report 2010


Publish Date

January 2010