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Intimate Partners

NSVRC joins NNEDV in #Every1KnowsSome1 Month-Long National Campaign to Raise Awareness About Domestic Violence

Harrisburg, PA — SAAM 2023 planning is well underway, and we are excited to announce our upcoming theme in the coming weeks. As we prepare, we also recognize the significance of violence prevention campaigns taking place in the now. Each year, in October, advocates, survivors and supporters recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).

(How to Make Sure) It Gets Better

This piece is written to capture the shifting norms, language, and anxieties surrounding relationship visibility and privacy boundaries. This autobiographical blog is designed to read as a casual social media post guided by memories of identity crises, bullying, homophobia, and doxxing. The piece also captures how power dynamics in the virtual space create very real consequences in life offline. 


NCADV Resources on COVID-19 and Domestic Violence JL Heinze Fri, 03/05/2021

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) provides a treasure chest of materials, including a Resource List, Virtual Education Events,  Legislative updates & Action Alerts, and more. 

Access the page Here

LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19 JL Heinze Tue, 03/02/2021

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation released "LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19", which demonstrates the disparities in rates of intimate partner violence between LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ communities, shows how these rates are likely to increase during COVID-19 and offers solutions to address these rising rates of violence.

Access the publication Here

50 Obstacles to Leaving

Leaving is not easy. On average, it takes a victim seven times to leave before staying away for good. Exiting the relationship is most unsafe time for a victim. As the abuser senses that they’re losing power, they will often act in dangerous ways to regain control over their victim.