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The Warwick Principles: Best Practices for Engaging Men and Boys in Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls in the Pacific

The Regional Pacific Women’s Network Against Violence Against Women and UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO), present a set of principles and best practices that allow for that while still ensuring accountability to Pacific women and girls.

SART Toolkit Section 6.8

Section 6: Victim-Centered Approaches

Accepting, Empowering, and Loving All Kids

Being a child or teenager in today’s society is hard. Society dictates how they should behave, what they should like, and who they should be with.  Those pressures can especially impact adolescents when they aren’t conforming or don’t want to conform to unwritten ideals about gender roles. Thankfully, there are great resources available for those working with or loving kids questioning their gender identity. The NSVRC library has some helpful titles worth checking out.

Reshape: The Complexities of Gendered Frameworks in the Anti-Violence Movement Ali Mailen Perrotto Fri, 02/07/2014

In the January 2014 edition of the Reshape newsletter, Michelle Dixon-Wall discusses the challenges of working within a gendered framework at an anti-violence organization. She discusses barriers that men and boys may have to accessing sexual assault services and programs based on some basic structural practices.

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Reshape: Enhancing Male Outreach Efforts, One Center at a Time Ali Mailen Perrotto Fri, 02/07/2014

In the January 2014 edition of the Reshape newsletter, Emiliano Diaz de Leon discusses how state coalitions can strategically do outreach to men and boys and increase the capacity of local centers to do the same. He discusses technical assistance approaches, capacity building education ideas, and strategies for raising awareness.

Read the article.

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