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The Resource Newsletter of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center: Spring/Summer 2012

The 2012 Spring/Summer edition of The Resource is completely redesigned and contains articles about Penn State and the Jerry Sandusky case, preventing child sexual abuse, viewpoints on SlutWalks, healthy sexuality campaigns, media reports of sexual violence, report on prostitution and trafficking of Native W

NSVRC Prevention Assessment: Year 1 Report National Strengths and Needs Assessment

In 2009, NSVRC contracted with Dr. Stephanie Townsend to assist in developing a plan to measure the primary prevention capacity of the sexual violence prevention field.  This is a three-year process being conducted in collaboration with the CDC and CALCASA/Prevention Connection. This is the Year 1 report for the project.

Read Year 2 Report.

Read Year 3 Report.

Mes de Conciencia sobre la Agresión Sexual (SAAM) 2012: Recursos

El abril es hora de iniciar un diálogo, y el tema de la conversación es la sexualidad saludable. El campaña 2012 del Mes de Conciencia sobre la Violencia Sexual (SAAM) motiva a comunidades y personas a unirse al diálogo acerca de cómo nos comunicamos y nos respetamos mutuamente para prevenir la violencia sexual. En inglés.

Recursos en Español:

Events list Ali Mailen Perrotto Tue, 01/17/2012

SAAM 2012 Events List Cover

This events list provides descriptions of Sexual Awareness Month events and activities. Suggested events can be used to plan and host events that encourage community participation and raise awareness.  






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