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Key Findings from ‘Sexual Violence Victimization and Associations with Health in a Community Sample of Hispanic Women’

Sexual violence can result in many health, economic, and social struggles in the lives of survivors. This resource highlights findings from a 2015 study on sexual violence against Latina women. Findings can help strengthen our prevention and response strategies with Latin@ communities. In

Publish Date

June 2015

xCHANGE Forum: Sexual Assault in the Lives of African American Women Slides

These slides were created to support the June 2015 Online xCHANGE Forum: Sexual violence in the lives of African American Women. This forum will explore current research on the sexual victimization of African American women and future needs for the field.

View the entire slideshow.

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Historical Overview

Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Functioning and Effectiveness: Findings from the National SART Project

This practitioner focused report of findings from a national research project on Sexual Assault Response Team functioning and effectiveness.

The full version of the technical research report to the National Institute of Justice is available online.
Scientific publications of the data in peer-reviewed journals with full methodological details are also available.

Publish Date

May 2015

Sexual Assault Victims’ Experiences of Notification after a CODIS Hit Sally Laskey Fri, 04/10/2015
This report provides research results about Houston's victim notification process. In Houston, victim notification involves reestablishing contact with victims whose cases are reopened for investigation as a result of a match in the law enforcement database Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), from
victims’ recently tested sexual assault kits (SAKs).This action research assesses the implementation of the Complainant Notification and Hotline Protocols

Key Components of Building a Successful Victim Notification Protocol

This report includes research on creating victim notification protocols.  Six major themes emerged from survey respondents regarding the process of developing and implementing the Protocols. They include: 1)Strategic planning, 2) Organizational support, 3) Active partnerships, 4) Resources, 5) Outreach, and 6)Victim-centered approach. Of the six themes, researchers identified the victim-centered approach as significant to the process of developing and implementing victim notification protocols.

How to Notify Victims about Sexual Assault Kit Evidence Insight and Recommendations from Victims and Professionals

This report describes research on victim and professional perspectives on the delivery of victim notification procedures, implementation of new victim notification processes, victim engagement within the criminal justice system, and recommendations for improvements.

Victims and professionals made five recommendations.

Detroit Sexual Assault Kit (SAK) Action Research Project (ARP), Final Report

A new report describes findings about unsubmitted sexual assault kits in Wayne County (Detroit), Michigan. A multidisciplinary team investigated the situation and found a number of effective and sustainable responses and ways to prevent the problem from recurring.

The team found several underlying “risk factors” that contributed to the large quantity of unsubmitted SAKs in Detroit, including: