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Sexual Assault Response Teams

Un folleto para sobrevivientes

Este folleto por la Asociación de Tejas Contra el Asalto Sexual (en inglés, TAASA) incluye información básica sobre el periodo inmediatamente después de la victimización. Por ejemplo, ‘¿Quién me puede ayudar?’ ‘¿Tengo que dar parte a la policía de lo que me sucedio?’ y ‘¿Como reaccionaran mis familiares y mis amigos?’. También hay listas de recursos en Tejas. En inglés.

Adolescent Sexual Assault Victims’ Experiences with SANE-SARTs and the Criminal Justice System

This research report discusses the outcomes of a study conducted to understand the help-seeking patterns of behavior among teens who experienced sexual assault and reported it.  The study found patterns in reporting, including reports that were voluntary, reports that were involuntary, and reports prompted by the circumstances of the assault.  The research suggests that teens who made voluntary reports were more likely to stay enaged in the legal system.

The Road Ahead: Unanalyzed Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases

This NIJ special report outlines the issue of untested sexual assault kits that remain in law enforcement custody and evidence rooms and the impact that these kits have on communities and sexual assault response.  The report addresses victim notification and protocol when a kit is sent for testing and appropriate follow up.

Read this special report.

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