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Emergency Contraception (EC): A Guide for Sexual and Domestic Violence Advocates Laura Palumbo Thu, 04/25/2024

Emergency Contraception is an essential tool for survivors. It is crucial that advocates are knowledgeable about ED and how to provide survivors with information.

Smith et al., 2018

Approximately 1 in 5 (21.3% or an estimated 25.5 million) women in the U.S. reported completed or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime, including completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration, or alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration. About 2.6% of U.S. men (an estimated 2.8 million) experienced completed or attempted rape victimization in their lifetime.

One in Three: Understanding the Global Issue of Violence Against Women Jennifer Benner Tue, 03/16/2021

Nearly one in three women globally experience violence according to a new report from the World Health Organization.

Global Rights for Women's Publications on Gendered Violence JL Heinze Mon, 03/08/2021

Global Rights for Women provides an array of publications and virtual panels in service to their goal of ending violence against women and girls.

Access the page Here

25 COVID-19 Domestic Violence Resources JL Heinze Thu, 02/25/2021

States Attorneys has provided a list of 25 resources on COVID-19 specific Domestic Violence.

Access the Resource List Here

The List includes the following Table of Contents: