On this podcast, NSVRC Evaluation Coordinator, Sally Laskey talks with researchers Dr. Nicole Allen and Aggie Rieger about how to better support those working to prevent sexual violence.
Sally J. Laskey, NSVRC evaluation coordinator
Nicole Allen, Professor, Vanderbilt University
Aggie Rieger, PhD. Student, University of Illinois
- Article discussed in the episode
- Contradictions in change: Ecological factors in the implementation of outer layer sexual violence prevention https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ajcp.12672
- Project Partners
- The Social-Ecological Model: A Framework for Prevention Webpage from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- What is Community-Level Prevention, Anyway? Podcast by NSVRC
- Innovations in Community-Level Prevention Guide by NSVRC
- Why Our Community-Level Prevention Efforts Must be Inclusive Blog by NSVRC
- Sexual Violence Prevention: Stretching to the Community Level Webinar Recording by NSVRC
- Estimating Essential Elements for Community-Level Prevention Strategies Webinar Recording by PreventConnect
- Back to Basics: Partnering with Survivors and Communities to Promote Health Equity at the Intersections of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Guide by NSVRC and NRCDV
- Continuing the Dialogue: Learning from the Past and Looking to the Future of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Prevention Guide from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Data Equity Makes Sure We All Count Podcast by NSVRC
- Anti-Blackness in the Movement: Podcast Series by Darin Dorsey and NSVRC