Adapting services and outreach during a disaster
Disasters require us to re-imagine sexual violence work and how we serve survivors more holistically when people are displaced, isolated, struggling to get basic necessities, or unable to reach traditional services. During the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters, victim services providers and others have innovated to meet the changing and growing needs of survivors and their communities. This has included online/digital services, creative outreach, and flexible approaches to safety planning, housing, and financial assistance. The lessons learned from these efforts can inform planning and response in the event of disasters, and also broaden and strengthen services for the future.
Tips and resources for mobile advocacy
Resource Sharing Project (2020)
Collection of resources about mobile advocacy, including issues related to privacy and confidentiality, helplines, and internet-based support for survivors of sexual violence.
Alternative service delivery options for survivors
North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (2020)
Strategies for advocates to connect with sexual assault survivors when in-person contact is restricted, including considerations for contact by phone, apps, and snail mail.
COVID-19 and health equity: How this van is meeting survivors’ needs during COVID-19
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (2021)
Podcast discussing Sistas Van, a project of Black Women’s Blueprint, and how they shifted their services to meet the immediate needs of their community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Digital services toolkit (English)
Conjunto de herramientas para servicios digitales (Spanish)
National Network to End Domestic Violence (2019)
Comprehensive guidance for victim services agencies about communicating with survivors and providing services through tech-based tools such as online chat, text messaging, video calls, social media, email, and mobile devices.
COVID-19 pandemic toolkit
National Network to End Domestic Violence (2020)
Resources to support victim services agencies in working remotely and using technology to communicate with survivors during a public health crisis.
Tele-advocacy ensuring accessibility for underserved crime survivors during COVID-19 pandemic
The National Resource Center for Reaching Victims (2020)
A recorded webinar on confidentiality and security considerations in tele-advocacy, strategies to make digital services accessible and inclusive for survivors with disabilities and Deaf survivors, and practical tips for effectively communicating with survivors through digital platforms.
Telecounseling for survivors
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (2020)
Overview of benefits and challenges, considerations for confidentiality and accessibility, and other recommendations when using telecounseling with survivors of sexual violence.
Telecounseling with Children and Teens
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (2020)
Overview of benefits and challenges, practical considerations, and activity ideas when using telecounseling with children and teens.
Tele-counseling 101: Providing services for survivors
Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (March 2020)
A recorded webinar about best practices for effective and confidential telecounseling services for survivors of sexual violence and lessons learned from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape’s telecounseling pilot project.
Technology guide during shelter in place orders
North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (December 2020)
Overview and examples of best practices for using technology to continue serving survivors when advocates must work from home during a public health crisis or other emergency.
Outreach guidance if in-person services are limited
North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (August 2020)
Strategies rape crisis centers can use to connect with their communities through social media, mail, local media, community groups and services, and other methods when opportunities for in person activities are limited due to a public health crisis or other emergency.
Creative outreach during COVID-19 (English)
Alcance creativo durante COVID-19 (Spanish)
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (April 2020)
Practical tips for sexual assault and domestic violence agencies to adapt outreach strategies using both traditional and virtual methods during the COVID-19 pandemic.
An advocate’s guide to safety planning during COVID-19
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (April 2020)
Practical strategies advocates can discuss with survivors who are sheltering in place with someone who is harming them during COVID-19 or other disasters.
Safety plan for sexual assault survivors
North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (2020)
A guide to help advocates work with survivors of non-intimate partner sexual assault to identify potential triggers or overwhelming life events and create a safety plan tailored to the individual’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial needs and concerns.
Guidance for using hotels to meet survivors’ immediate safety and housing needs
Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium (May 2020)
Key considerations for victim services providers to quickly establish hotel programs to meet the housing and safety needs of sexual assault and domestic violence survivors during COVID-19.
Flexible funding for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors
National Alliance for Safe Housing & Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (January 2019)
Overview of the benefits, core components, and administrative logistics of flexible funding grants to support safe housing stability among survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. Learn more about COVID-19 and flexible funding.
Preventing trauma and suicide during catastrophic events and beyond
Prevention Institute
Interactive modules with tools, activities, and guidance to help community-based organizations and government agencies recognize the connections between catastrophic events and suicide, assess local context and identify groups at elevated risk, and develop effective and equitable suicide prevention strategies.
Prioritizing equity and community well being in the wake of catastrophic events
Prevention Institute
Examples and lessons learned from trauma-informed practices and long-term systems change implemented by local government agencies and community partners to address community needs during and after catastrophic events.
Working remotely during a disaster
Many organizations have shifted to working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic and other disasters, bringing a mix of benefits and challenges for service providers and the people they serve. The resources below offer practical tips for navigating many of the logistical, social, and emotional aspects of working from home, particularly in the context of a disaster.
How to operate as a remote workplace during a public health crisis (English)
Cómo operar como un centro de trabajo remoto durante una crisis de salud pública (Spanish)
National Network to End Domestic Violence (2020)
Recommendations for victim services agencies about using technology to continue services during a public health crisis, with emphasis on the safety and privacy of survivors and the health and well-being of advocates.
Protecting survivor privacy when working from home
Victim Rights Law Center (May 2020)
Guidance for OVW-funded victim service providers about survivor privacy considerations when transporting files, sending mail, using personal devices, scanning and printing, videoconferencing, and more while working from home.
Working remotely: Key considerations for survivor-centered organizations
The National Center for Reaching Victims (March 2020)
A recorded webinar for victim advocates and technical assistance providers about benefits, challenges, technology, and strategies for maintaining connection and well-being when working from home.
Working from home: A guide for advocates during COVID-19
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (2020)
Tips for advocates working from home about protecting confidentiality, providing remote services, setting boundaries, developing routines, and more.
Working Remotely
Resource Sharing Project (2020)
A collection of resources and recommendations for sexual assault coalitions and local programs about working remotely, including tips around technology, supervision, supporting self-care, and re-prioritizing work.
Building trust while working remotely
The Engine Room (March 2020)
Tips for building and sustaining trusting work relationships and personal well-being while working in remote teams.
Addressing racism and oppression in organizations and communities
Fundamentally, preventing sexual violence both in and out of disasters requires uprooting systems and structures of oppression and organizing communities around the guiding principles of equity and justice. This work starts at home within organizations and institutions, including victim services, emergency response, disaster management, and other sectors and systems.
COVID-19: Racial equity and social justice resources
Racial Equity Tools (2020)
Library of online resources to help communities and activists understand and respond to the COVID-19 crisis and beyond, including tools for healing and community care, organizing and solidarity, resource building and rapid response, virtual work and online engagement, and more.
Pushing back against habits of white supremacy during a crisis
CompassPoint (April 2020)
Alternative mindsets and practices that can interrupt habits of white supremacy that show up in organizations during a crisis.
White supremacy culture in organizations
The Centre for Community Organizations (COCo) (November 2019)
An overview of common characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in organizations, with questions for reflection and discussion to spark conversations about racism.
White supremacy culture
Tema Okun (2021)
Writings, poetry, art, videos, and additional resources reflecting on a list of characteristics of white supremacy culture that has been used as a resource for learning and discussion in many anti-racist groups and organizations.
Anti-racism resource collection
Resource Sharing Project
A round-up of resources to aid sexual assault coalitions in anti-racism work within their organizations and communities
Anti-racism is fundamental to sexual assault services
Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (2019)
A recorded conversation among three sexual assault technical assistance providers on how to both personally and organizationally build skills and practices for disrupting racism and all forms of oppression to enhance services to survivors.
Anti-racism as violence prevention
Futures Without Violence
Three-part video series for domestic and sexual violence advocates on ways that racism and oppression have shaped our anti-violence movements and ways to dismantle racism in our organizations and communities, along with a large collection of supporting resources.
Plan: Change process
Racial Equity Tools
Collected resources on how individuals, leaders, organizations, coalitions, and communities can advance racial equity work, build movements, and implement accountability practices.
Act: Organizational change process
Racial Equity Tools
Examples of equitable policies and practices, toolkits, and additional resources related to organizational change processes to align internal operations with commitment to racial equity.
Operationalizing racial justice in non-profit organizations
MP Associates, Inc. (July 2020)
Reflections on five commonly asked questions and a curated list of resources for nonprofit organizations seeking to start or sustain a change process to integrate racial equity into their policies, practices, and culture.
Tools & resources for achieving racial equity in policymaking
Independent Sector (February 2021)
Collection of resources to help nonprofits achieve racial justice and systemic change by centering racial equity in their policy and overall strategic work.
Building trauma-informed organizations
Disasters shine a bright light on the need for workplace practices, policies, and cultures that are rooted in a trauma-informed framework. In order to provide meaningful services to others, staff and volunteers must have the support and resources they need for their own physical and emotional health and safety. Organizations can take steps to build and sustain trauma-informed environments not only in times of crisis, but also in their everyday work.
COVID-19: Considerations for a trauma informed response for work settings
Trauma Informed Oregon (2020)
Strategies for applying trauma informed care principles to support the physical and emotional health of staff members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A historical trauma-informed care approach to COVID-19
Urban Indian Health Institute (February 2021)
Ways to support communities experiencing multiple traumas during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prioritizing equity: COVID-19 and trauma-informed approaches
American Medical Association (February 2020)
A recorded conversation among leaders in health justice about how trauma-informed approaches impact advancing equity among minoritized and marginalized communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Building cultures of care: A guide for sexual assault services programs
Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (2017)
Overview of the core principles of trauma-informed care and guiding points and questions to help sexual assault services programs strengthen their organizational and individual responses to survivors of sexual violence through the use of a trauma-informed approach.
The vicarious trauma toolkit
Office for Victims of Crime (2017)
Tools and resources to help victim services, emergency medical services, fire services, and law enforcement organizations address the vicarious trauma needs of their staff.
Resources for organizations
Trauma Informed Oregon
Collected resources for human service organizations and systems to recognize and respond to the impact of trauma on the workforce and the people they serve.
Self-care and trauma work
Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (2012)
An overview of vicarious trauma and steps organizations and individuals can take to reduce and manage it.
Supporting self-care and community-care for service providers
Providing support to survivors of violence, disasters, and other traumatic events is critically important and life-changing work. It can also take a toll on the emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being of advocates, counselors, and other first responders and service providers. Taking care of ourselves and each other as helping professionals is vital for sustaining our health, energy, and impact both in and out of disasters.
Emergency responders: Tips for taking care of yourself
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (March 2018)
Recommendations for emergency responders to prevent and manage stress before, during, and after disasters.
Tips for disaster responders: Preventing and managing stress
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (September 2014)
Strategies for first responders and other service providers to prevent and manage stress before, during, and after disaster response.
Healthcare personnel and first responders: How to cope with stress and build resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (December 2020)
Information about signs of stress, strategies for resilience and coping, and additional resources for professionals providing care to others during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Self-care ideas and resources list for helping professionals and first responders
Trace Fleming-Trice (June 2020)
A round-up of online resources - including articles, podcasts, videos, social media groups, and more - to support self-care and community care among helping professionals and first responders.
21 day self-care challenge packet
Move to End Violence (October 2015)
Activities designed for people in anti-violence movements to intentionally practice self-care, examine habits, and take steps towards more mindful practices.
Self-care during COVID-19 (English)
Autocuidado durante COVID-19 (Spanish)
Arizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence (April 2020)
An activity book to support self-care through self-compassion, social connection, healthy routines, and other practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Navigating trauma
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (2020)
An overview of vicarious trauma for people engaged in solidarity-based disaster relief work and strategies for coping with, healing from, and supporting friends impacted by vicarious trauma.
How to rest and recover while you fight for social change (English)
Como descansar y recuperarte mientras luchas por el cambio social (Spanish)
Como descansar e se recuperar enquanto luta por mudança social (Portuguese)
FeministSexEd (June 2020)
Practical strategies for activists to rest and maintain energy, connection, and motivation.