Our Voices Have Power. Together, We Can Build Safe and Respectful Communities.
Building Connected Communities
Building Connected Communities helps us reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in our communities. Any space where people come together is a community, whether in neighborhoods, workplaces, campuses, organizations, or even online spaces.
Press Release
In 23rd Annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month Campaign, NSVRC Calls for Building Connected Communities to Prevent Sexual Violence.
History of Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April 2024 marks the official 23rd anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month — but did you know we can trace its history even longer?
Visionary Voice Awards
NSVRC recognizes 28 leaders in sexual violence prevention. The Visionary Voice Awards are presented annually in conjunction with SAAM to honor those making a difference in our communities.
Past Campaign Resources
Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every person in the community. This section links to resources from past SAAM campaigns on various topics and themes.
SAAM Event Planning 101
Everything you need to know to plan a Sexual Assault Awareness Month event!
Together We Can Build Connected Communities
Each of us is a part of one or more communities, often many, and these communities shape our experiences in life. By creating a better-connected community, we can help reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment.
Learn the basics
Learn the basics of prevention and how we can create change to stop sexual assault, harassment, and abuse before they happen.
Understanding Risk and Protective Factors
Learning more about the factors that can increase the risk of sexual violence and those that can buffer against it can help us understand what it takes to create safe, inclusive, and equitable communities.
Building Blocks of A Connected Community
Community is powerful because our connection to one another impacts more than just ourselves. In an inclusive, equitable, and connected community, we can look out for one another and make choices to promote the safety and well-being of all.
Primary Prevention Primer
This interactive learning tool explores primary prevention through a series of activities.