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From the Library: Transgender, Nonbinary, and Intersex Booklist Melissa Powers Tue, 01/14/2025

The NSVRC Library highlights books that explore the experiences of gender minorities, especially as it pertains to health equity and sexual violence.

Data and Research Deficits for Aging Transgender+ and Intersex Populations Impact Physical and Sexual Health Outcomes

NSVRC spoke with SAGE (the National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging) about sexual health disparities as they relate to transgender elders and why more research and data is needed to understand the needs of this population.

Part 2 - Treating Sexual Traumas Experienced by Transgender Uniformed Members During and After Their Service Freyja Eccles Tue, 01/14/2025

NSVRC speaks with SPARTA Pride about sexual trauma experienced by transgender people in the uniformed services (Military, Navy, Air Force, etc.).

Part 1 - Treating Sexual Traumas Experienced by Transgender Uniformed Members During and After Their Service Freyja Eccles Tue, 01/14/2025

NSVRC speaks with SPARTA Pride about sexual trauma experienced by transgender people in the uniformed services (Military, Navy, Air Force, etc.).

Sexual and Domestic Violence, Isolation, and How It Determined Health Outcomes for Transgender and Gender Expansive People: A COVID-19 Perspective ADM. Rachel Le… Tue, 01/14/2025

ADM. Rachel Levine and Madeline Anscombe write about the gender-based violence experienced by transgender and gender-expansive people during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Part 1 - How We Can Prevent and Treat Sexual Violence that Targets Transgender and Gender-Expansive Incarcerated People Kris Mady Tue, 01/14/2025

NSVRC talks with Just Detention International about the ways sexual violence impacts transgender and gender-expansive people during incarceration.

Director's Viewpoint: Sexual Violence and Sexual Health Outside the Gender Binary Jennifer Grove Tue, 01/14/2025

NSVRC Director Jennifer Grove discusses the lasting importance of the theme for this year's edition of The Resource, "Sexual Violence and Sexual Health Outside the Gender Binary."

Part 2 - Eating Disorder Treatment for Transgender, Gender Diverse, and Intersex Survivors of Sexual Violence Cody at the FE… Tue, 01/14/2025

NSVRC spoke with FEDUP to discuss the gaps in eating disorder treatment for survivors who are gender minorities.