- Mar 18, 2024
- Halle Nelson
Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) is a time for survivors, advocates, and allies to come together, spread awareness, and promote the prevention of sexual violence.
- Feb 13, 2024
- JL Heinze
El mes de concientización sobre la agresión sexual (SAAM) resalta el hecho de que la violencia sexual es un asunto generalizado y afecta a todas las personas en la comunidad. SAAM busca concientizar a la población acerca de la violencia sexual e informar a las comunidades sobre cómo prevenirla.
- Dec 07, 2023
Sexual Assault Awareness Month calls attention to the fact that sexual violence is widespread and impacts every person in the community. SAAM aims to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it.
- May 17, 2023
- Elise Parker of Thrive Together
The Deaf community exists subtly. They don’t look or act differently, but they do communicate with a completely different language than most hearing Americans are used to. American Sign Language (ASL) was developed in the 1800’s and has made many strides in allowing the Deaf to communicate. It is recognized as a complete language used by hundreds of thousands of people in the United States. This language has opened so many doors for the Deaf, but too many remain closed because of the lack of accessibility in the hearing world.
- Apr 26, 2023
- Laurie Samuel
Intro: No matter one’s country, ethnicity, race, class, gender identity, ability, health, socio-economic status, religion, or education level, domestic violence affects everyone. Yet, as we explore the issue of activists living in the midst of the very injustices they work against, it’s important to remember the cultural components that surround the work. Domestic violence doesn’t just happen to individuals…it occurs across and within communities.
- Apr 25, 2023
- Dr. Purposed Carn
In 2004, Marsheida Dorsey-Carn was murdered by her 18-year-old boyfriend. After serving almost 12 years in prison, that same man murdered a second victim, LaPorscha Baldwin, in a fatal act of domestic violence.
- Apr 21, 2023
- Amy Turner
I’m writing this at the time when the “New Year, New Me” wind is starting to circulate. The shame of “holiday eating”, the sugar demon, and jokes about elastic waists begin to build their momentum for the year. There will be sign up for bootcamps, restrictive diets, detoxes, and teas that make you sprint to the bathroom. And by the time you read this, you’ll be hearing whispers about a “beach body” or getting “bikini ready”, like it is somehow necessary to prepare to face our biggest nemesis, a body of water.
- Apr 21, 2023
- Leigh Goodmark
The average messaging of most anti-violence organizations include some variation on the following: “If you are in immediate danger, call 911.” Embedded in directing a victim of violence to call 911 is a key assumption—that law enforcement will make that person safer. But the headlines regularly feature stories of law enforcement officers accused of abuse: of thei
- Mar 31, 2023
- JL Heinze
Toolkit Libraries
Issues - FrameWorks Institute
Since 1999, FrameWorks has studied how people think and talk about numerous social issues – and how communications can spark change. They host a library of toolkits on 18 different justice topics.
Explore the Toolkit Library- Racial Equity
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