El mes de concientización sobre la agresión sexual (SAAM, por sus siglas en inglés) resalta el hecho de que la violencia sexual es un asunto generalizado y afecta a todas las personas en la comunidad. El SAAM busca concientizar a la población acerca de la violencia sexual e informar a las comunidades sobre cómo prevenirla.
El tema central del Mes de concientización sobre la agresión sexual 2023 es “Trazando conexiones: la prevención exige equidad”. La campaña hace un llamado a todas las personas, comunidades, organizaciones e instituciones al cambio: en nosotros mismos, así como en los
Mar 01, 2023
Mar 01, 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a new report of findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS is a survey conducted every two years of a nationally representative sample of U.S. public and private high school students that monitors health-related behaviors and experiences including social determinants of health and protective factors.
According to the survey data from 2021 and 2022 , the number of teen girls who have reported experiencing sexual violence has increased (from 15% in 2017 to 18% in 2021). This is the first report
Feb 13, 2023
This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, we reached out to One Love Foundation to continue the ongoing conversation about teen dating violence education and prevention. As a nonprofit that facilitates educational workshops from elementary schools to college campuses, they excel in their ability to speak to young people about understanding abusive behaviors in relationships and what healthy behaviors look like. Started in honor of the late Yeardley Love, a college student killed by her abusive boyfriend, One Love Foundation works each day to prevent such tragedies from happening
Dec 20, 2022
Happy Holidays! The holiday season can be a joyful and happy time but can also come with a ton of stress and anxiety (even if you welcome and enjoy the holiday season). This time of year can also be a dark time for some especially for those who have lost someone. Managing our mental health is important regardless of the time of year, but it is also essential during the holidays. Being around family or not being around family, triggers surrounding food, not having enough food, and a packed holiday schedule can be stressful and sometimes harmful. The stress and pressure
Dec 14, 2022
The following list is meant to connect folks with resources that address an array of issues in the Indigenous and Native community.
Survivor & Domestic Violence Resources
A Toolkit for Action Tribal Community Response When a Woman Is Missing from National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
First Nations Sexual Health Toolkit from Native Youth Sexual Health
Indian Country Resource from the US Department of Justice
Indigenizing Love Toolkit from Western States Center
Missing Indigenous Sisters Tools Initiative from National Indigenous Women's
Nov 22, 2022
The holiday season is coming at us in full force. Before Halloween was over, stores began putting out anything sparkly, red/green, and Santa like, shoving anything having to do with Thanksgiving to a back corner. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a time to come together to celebrate, despite what many of us learned in school about Thanksgiving. For many Native Americans, this is not a time of celebration. The entire month of November is dedicated to National Native American Heritage Month. One thing we can do at this time is to uplift the perspective and contributions of Native Americans.
Nov 22, 2022
All too often, white Americans mythologize our history to the point where we erase the horrors perpetrated by the leaders of our past. On Thanksgiving, we commonly celebrate the story of Native Americans and Pilgrims coming together while ignoring the centuries of bloodshed and trauma colonizers enacted upon the original inhabitants of this country.
Oppression is a root cause of sexual violence and stems from the violent past committed in the name of white supremacy. Rooted in history, institutional oppression is very much part of the nation today. Native women continue to
Oct 11, 2022
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just released a new report, The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey: 2016/2017 Report on Intimate Partner Violence. This report highlights the most recent findings from the the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Surivey (NISVS) specifically around experiences of intimate partner violence.
NISVS was launched in 2010 as an ongoing survey of sexual violence, stalking, and intimate partner violence against adult women and men in the United States (at this point, CDC does not collect data about
Oct 10, 2022
The history of indigenous women in this country has been undeniably stained by centuries of brutality at the hands of their oppressors.
For too long, laws and policies in the United States have denied Indigenous women the basic human rights of bodily autonomy, self-advocacy, and justice -- all of which they are entitled to as a basic human right. The ripple effects of this long-standing abuse, mainstream ambivalence toward the problem, and lack of accountability for these crimes can still be felt today.
In the last couple of years, however, the United States’s Justice and Interior
Oct 07, 2022
Harrisburg, PA — SAAM 2023 planning is well underway, and we are excited to announce our upcoming theme in the coming weeks. As we prepare, we also recognize the significance of violence prevention campaigns taking place in the now. Each year, in October, advocates, survivors and supporters recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
This fall, NSVRC is joining the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) and the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) in their national combined campaign for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and GiveForDV.
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