How powerful is the media in creating social norms?
Social media, television shows, movies, advertisements, celebrity events, and other large public viewership happenings are powerful tools in setting cultural trends, social norms, and lifestyle benchmarks. These norms include subtle (or not so subtle) cues about how certain people should look, act, what they should wear, and how they should live. This doesn’t just create changes in material culture (styles, trends, and aesthetics), but creates internal changes within us, between us, and internally in our own community. It changes how we see
Mar 08, 2023
Mar 08, 2023
What is the state of housing inequality in the United States?
Housing inequality is a form of economic discrimination in which not all people are able to live in places where they can be free from harm, threat, or barriers that keep them from thriving. In addition to the rising costs of living, the impacts of COVID-19 created an increase in housing insecurity that is affecting millions of people. According to a national survey taken in August 2021, 3.7 million people responded that they were “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to face eviction in the next two months, while 7.7 million people
Mar 08, 2023
How are acts of mass violence connected to white supremacy?
Research has demonstrated that there is a positive correlation between mass violence like shootings and white supremacist ideologies. White supremacy has always been synonymous with acts of terrorism and in the desire to commit large scale murder and violence against its victims: - immigrants, LGBTQ folks, people of the Jewish faith, its naysayers, but mainly Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in the United States.
It is a common misconception that mental illness is the sole driving force of mass
Mar 08, 2023
This Q&A page is meant for white audiences struggling to understand how issues of racism and sexual violence are connected, and why preventing sexual violence requires ending white supremacy culture. It also explains white people’s role in making these changes.
How is the sexual violence movement tied together with the movement to end racial injustice?
At its heart, doing the work of sexual violence prevention is:
a refusal to accept abuses of power in the world,
a commitment to stopping those same abuses from continuing, and
providing space for victims to reclaim
Mar 08, 2023
Social justice means equal rights and equitable opportunities for all. True social change relies on actions and efforts at multiple levels, and it can begin with introducing youth to social justice books to help them better understand different cultures, people, and situations.
Like adults, youth can identify inequity– they understand the world through their own personal interactions that develop over time. These interactions mold their sense of self and how they view others, including those from different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Teaching youth what equity is
Mar 01, 2023
El mes de concientización sobre la agresión sexual (SAAM, por sus siglas en inglés) resalta el hecho de que la violencia sexual es un asunto generalizado y afecta a todas las personas en la comunidad. El SAAM busca concientizar a la población acerca de la violencia sexual e informar a las comunidades sobre cómo prevenirla.
El tema central del Mes de concientización sobre la agresión sexual 2023 es “Trazando conexiones: la prevención exige equidad”. La campaña hace un llamado a todas las personas, comunidades, organizaciones e instituciones al cambio: en nosotros mismos, así como en los
Mar 01, 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a new report of findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS is a survey conducted every two years of a nationally representative sample of U.S. public and private high school students that monitors health-related behaviors and experiences including social determinants of health and protective factors.
According to the survey data from 2021 and 2022 , the number of teen girls who have reported experiencing sexual violence has increased (from 15% in 2017 to 18% in 2021). This is the first report
Feb 13, 2023
This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, we reached out to One Love Foundation to continue the ongoing conversation about teen dating violence education and prevention. As a nonprofit that facilitates educational workshops from elementary schools to college campuses, they excel in their ability to speak to young people about understanding abusive behaviors in relationships and what healthy behaviors look like. Started in honor of the late Yeardley Love, a college student killed by her abusive boyfriend, One Love Foundation works each day to prevent such tragedies from happening
Feb 03, 2023
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM). The theme for this year is “Be About It!” This theme was selected by the love is respect Youth Council and is a continuation of last year’s theme “Talk about it.”
Teen dating violence includes physical, emotional, sexual, or digital abuse in a current dating relationship or by a former dating partner. Young people experience violence at alarming rates. According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey:
Over 71% of women and over 55% of men first experienced intimate partner violence (sexual or physical violence,
Dec 20, 2022
Happy Holidays! The holiday season can be a joyful and happy time but can also come with a ton of stress and anxiety (even if you welcome and enjoy the holiday season). This time of year can also be a dark time for some especially for those who have lost someone. Managing our mental health is important regardless of the time of year, but it is also essential during the holidays. Being around family or not being around family, triggers surrounding food, not having enough food, and a packed holiday schedule can be stressful and sometimes harmful. The stress and pressure
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