People commit sexual violence against people of all ages. Children, teens, adults, and people in later life have unique needs. The NSVRC Lifespan Project helps advocates, law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and prosecutors find the best strategies for meeting these needs.
We focus on helping victim service professionals find and adopt trauma-informed practices. Our systems don’t treat every person the same. Contact us to learn more about how you can improve your practice to keep survivors from falling through the cracks.
Why should victim service professionals work together?
Professionals who collaborate with the other systems see better case outcomes. It can lead to a healing experience for the survivor. Talking with other members of your community’s response team will help you find the cracks in the system that many people slip through.
Our team can help you think through ways that police and advocates can work together. We provide information on advocacy and counseling approaches. We can also train you on the best practices for medical providers and prosecutors working with people at every age and stage of the lifespan.
The Lifespan Project team is ready to serve you through:
- Customized training/technical assistance
- Creation of resources and tools around a trauma-informed response to sexual violence across the lifespan that both meet the needs of the field and highlight underserved populations
- Collection and promotion of relevant resources around a trauma-informed response to sexual violence across the lifespan
- Offering opportunities for networking, collaboration, and referrals
- Hosting the Feel Good Tumblr to promote wellness and self-care.
See our project flyer for more information.
Project Pages
- What is Sexual Violence?
- Tools for Trauma-Informed Practice
- Interactive Online Community
- Sexual Violence Against Children
- Sexual Violence Against Youth and Young People
- Sexual Violence Against Adults
- Sexual Violence Against Adults in Later Life
This project was supported by Grant No. 2011-TA-AX-K023 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this program are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.