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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

Sexual violence against people in later life involves a broad range of offenses perpetrated against people age 60 and beyond. This four-page document outlines specific information on this topic including how advocates can respond to the special needs of older sexual violence victims. Browse all contents of the Sexual Violence in Later Life Information packet. This packet was developed by Holly Ramsey-Klawsnik, Phd, in conjunction with the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. The packet includes a fact sheet, technical assistance bulletin, technical assistance guide, resource list,

Sexual violence can affect individuals across the lifespan, including people in later life. This two-page document offers information concerning sexual abuse in later life, including barriers to response and prevention, victims, and perpetrators. Browse all contents of The Sexual Violence in Later Life Information packet. This packet was developed by Holly Ramsey-Klawsnik, Phd, in conjunction with the National Sexual Violence Resource Center. The packet includes a fact sheet, technical assistance bulletin, technical assistance guide, resource list, annotated bibliography, research brief

Esta hoja informative está basada en la publicación Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution (La Violencia Sexual y el Espectro de Prevención: Hacia una Solución Comunitaria). La hoja provee un resumen del marco conceptual del Espectro, desarrollado por Larry Cohen del Prevention Institute (Instituto de la Prevención), y cuenta con ejemplos de intervención en los seis niveles del espectro. En Inglés. Publish Date 2010

This two-page fact sheet is based on NSVRC’s publication, Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution. It gives an overview of the Spectrum framework, developed by Larry Cohen of the Prevention Institute, and provides examples of interventions at the six Spectrum levels. Also available in Spanish.   Publish Date 2009

This two-page fact sheet is based on information from the NSVRC publication Sexual Violence in Disasters: A Planning Guide for Prevention and Response. It provides basic information about the risk of sexual violence during and after times of disaster and some basic prevention strategies. Publish Date 2009

This report provides an overview of the National SANE Coordinator Symposium Project in order to increase SANE program development.  Publish Date 2009

The following bulletin provides information on creating a business plan for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs by providing a realistic roadmap to sustainable healthcare practice. As part of the NSVRC SANE Sustainability Series, this bulletin reviews the basic steps for developing a sound business plan and explains each component. Publish Date 2009

This document is part of the NSVRC’s SANE Sustainability Series. The relationship between a medical director and a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program coordinator is an important one. If you are looking for a medical director for your program, or are unsure whether the medical director you have is the right fit, this bulletin will provide some guidance and structure to identifying a compatible physician to add to the team. For more resources on this topic visit the SANE Sustainability Project. Publish Date 2009

The Spring/Summer 2009 edition of The Resource focuses on the intersection between sexual violence and physical and mental health.  Articles include information about Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) collaboration, vicarious trauma, the role of healthcare providers in sexual violence prevention, and sexual assault against elders.  Publish Date Spring/Summer 2009

This guide examines the use of polygraph tests and other truth-telling devices (sometimes called “lie-detector tests”) in sexual assault investigations. It is meant to support the Violence Against Women Act and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005) provision that truth-telling devices must not be used with sexual assault victims as a condition of charging or prosecution of an offense. This guide examines special issues relevant to using truth-telling devices with sexual assault victims. Legislative and judicial actions that have been taken as a result of this debate