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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

The first in a series of bulletins related to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) program sustainability, this publication provides information gathered from the NSVRC SANE Sustainability Technical Assistance Project. It discusses six key areas related to sustainability: investing in people, understanding budgeting, reframing education, mentoring future leaders, creating strategic alliances and evaluating programs. For more resources on this topic visit the SANE Sustainability Project.  Publish Date 2009

This directory brings together many of the currently available resources and initiatives related to child sexual abuse prevention, providing descriptions of organizations, programs, projects, and a wide range of resources. It offers user-friendly icons to assist you in locating specific types of resources. This 264-page manual also features category indices, resource bibliographies, and highlights related research and key stakeholders. View the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention materials in the NSVRC Library. Publish Date updated September 2006

Este libro presenta la necesidad de una orientación urgente sobre la importancia de comprometer a los espectadores en la prevención de la violencia sexual. El relato proporciona el fondo necesario para el desarrollo de un enfoque que nos permita a todos involucrarnos con el fin de impedir esta calamidad. El libro analiza diversos motivos por los cuales una persona podría decidir tomar o no medidas al presenciar una variedad de comportamientos inapropiados, y describe formas de alentar y promover un mayor compromiso por parte de los espectadores. Este libro también es un excelente recurso de

This book presents a compelling orientation to the importance of engaging bystanders in sexual violence prevention. The narrative provides background on the development of an approach that empowers each of us to be involved in prevention. It discusses various reasons why individuals who witness a range of inappropriate behaviors may or may not take action, and presents ways to encourage and develop greater bystander involvement. Finally, this book serves as an excellent training resource; it provides activities and trainer instructions throughout that make it a useful educational guide on

NSVRC's debut newsletter! Featured inside: American Indians' Inspiring Approach, Coalition Spotlight, NSVRC Library... and more. Publish Date Spring/Summer 2001

The second volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: Talking to Men About Rape, Blind Reporting, VAWNet, Coalition Spotlight... and more. Publish Date Fall/Winter 2001

The third volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: Working with Men to Prevent Sexual Assault, Women of Color - SCESA, SAAM Campaign, VAWNet... and more. Publish Date Spring/Summer 2002

The fourth volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: Working Together And/ Or Apart, Prevalence of Rape by Clergy and Others, SAAM 2003... and more. Publish Date Fall/Winter 2002

The fifth volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: A Trip to the Rape Capital of the World, OCR Issues Decision in Harvard "Corroboration Rule" Case, Focus on Clergy Misconduct. Putting a Face to Rape. Six Elements to Public Advocacy . . . and more Publish Date Spring/Summer 2003

The sixth volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: Kobe Bryant and Our Cultural Attitudes About Rape, Crime Victims Remain Oppressively Burdened, “A Day to End Sexual Violence” . . . and more Publish Date Fall/Winter 2003