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Resources by NSVRC

The NSVRC collects information and resources to assist those working to prevent sexual violence and to improve resources, outreach and response strategies. This page lists resources on this website that have been developed by NSVRC staff.

The seventh volume for this NSVRC publication! Featured inside: 10 Years of VAWA and Medical Screening in Rural Areas, Coalition Spotlight, and more . . . Publish Date Spring/Summer 2004

New Civilian / Military Task Force, Understanding Crawford v. Washington, Using Art to Break Silence and more . . . Publish Date Fall/Winter 2004

Living with Dissociative Identity Disorder, Assessing Online Advocacy, RAINN & Online Hotline and more . . . Publish Date Spring/Summer 2005

Recollections of a Hurricane, Consent and the Court of Pubilc Opinion, CSA in the Bearing Straits, and more . . . Publish Date Fall/Winter 2005

Tools for Bystander Action, Don't Call it "Rape", Tory Bowen Story, Focus on Workplace, Collaboration with Poynter Institute, and more... Publish Date Fall/Winter 2008

Law Enforcement Training in Indian Country, SAAM Awards, Rape and Sexual Assault Reporting Laws, and more . . . Publish Date Spring/Summer 2006

This toolkit provides facts about emergency contraception for rape survivors, tools and strategies to assess the need for increased access, and four strategies to increase access. The four strategies discussed are legislation, administrative efforts, litigation and voluntary efforts. Samples, survivor stories, and additional resources are also included. Publish Date 2003

Esta guía nacional provee descripciones y información sobre recursos disponibles en español sobre la violencia sexual. (This national guide provides descriptions and information on sexual violence resources that are available in Spanish.) Publish Date Updated 2008

This guide provides information on the prevalence of sexual violence and HIV, types of available HIV testing and treatment, benefits and risks of such testing and treatment, victims’ possible fears surrounding HIV, sexual offender testing, and steps victim service professionals can take to meet the needs of sexual violence victims. Publish Date 2008

A través de esta guía, escrita por Alisa Klein, el lector podrá obtener información importante sobre la violencia sexual y los desastres. Con esta información, cualquier comunidad podrá comprender mejor la conexión entre ambos fenómenos y preparar mejores respuestas para casos de desastre. La guía ofrece una variedad de recomendaciones, desde sugerir pequeños cambios hasta desarrollar planes integrales, hacer preparativos y coordinar un cambio de políticas de gran alcance. Está ordenada según las fases de un desastre, codificadas por color y, en cada una de ellas, se destaca una multitud de