Community of Color | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) Skip to main content
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Community of Color

An organization that provides specific services to communities of color in the United States.

The PR Health Justice Center (PRHJC) JL Heinze Mon, 03/18/2024

Telephone: 787-337-3737

State or Territory Served

The PR Health Justice Center (PRHJC) provides comprehensive clinical forensic services to victim survivors of sexual violence. We provide the services at the San Juan Bautista School of Medicine through an interdisciplinary work team. This team is comprised of medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, criminal justice, legal and epidemiology experts in their field and sexual violence, while providing the services in a transdisciplinary manner.

Alaska Native Justice Center

About this Organization

ANJC serves as a bridge between Alaska Native people and the justice system. We advocate for justice and work in partnership with community and statewide agencies. They provide a wide range of advocacy, prevention and intervention services.

Contact Information

3600 San Jeronimo Drive
Suite 346
Anchorage, AK 99508










Contact | Alaska Native Justice Center

State or Territory Served

Alaska Native Women's Resource Center (AKNWRC)

About this Organization

The Alaska Native Women's Resource Center is dedicated to strengthening local, tribal government's responses through community organizing efforts advocating for the safety of women and children in their communities and homes, especially against domestic and sexual abuse and violence.

Contact Information

P.O. Box 80382
Fairbanks, AK 99708
Main: (907) 328‑3990
Fax: (866) 287‑8330

Contact Us | Alaska Native Women's Resource Center 

State or Territory Served

The YWCA of Hawaiʻi Island

About this Organization

Since the 1970s, YWCA has provided response programs to victims of sexual assault known as Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS). The YWCA of Hawaiʻi Island is dedicated to changing the beliefs that accompany sexual violence. They seek to create a society that does not minimize sexual crimes, that does not permit the shaming or silencing of the assaulted or hide the crime out of shame – a society where perpetrators are held accountable, mandated for treatment and prevented from offending again.

The YWCA offers support services for victims and their families:

  • Free, Confidential Counseling
  • Advocacy
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Emotional and Moral Support
  • Available for All Ages
  • Assistance Deciding Whether to File a Police Report
  • Therapeutic Services
Contact Information

YWCA of Hawaii Island – Eliminating Racism, Empowering Women 

Kilauea Office Location

1382 Kilauea Ave.
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
(808) 935-7141

We’re moving to 180 Kinoole St., Ste. 301

Ululani Office Location
Mailing Address for Both Offices

145 Ululani St.
Hilo, Hawaii 96720
(808) 935-7141

Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline

(808) 935-0677
24/7 Island Wide – All Calls Are Confidential

State or Territory Served

Hmong Family Strengthening program

About this Organization

The Hmong Family Strengthening program (HFS) at CAP Services’ Family Crisis Center provides specialized, culturally sensitive domestic violence services to Hmong families. Advocates are bilingual and bicultural, and are able to assist those who identify as Hmong, but also work with other organizations to connect clients who identify as Khmer, Karen, Black, Burmese, Chin or LGBTQ+ to needed services.

Contact Information

Adult & Youth Advocate: 715-340-5631

Wisconsin Hmong Family Strengthening Helpline 877-740-4292 is available 24/7 and all calls are answered by Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocates. They are based in Wisconsin, however, services are open to anyone who is looking for support, whether it is someone to talk to or someone who is looking for services in their area.

Type of Organization
State or Territory Served
Me Too JL Heinze Wed, 03/15/2023

The ‘me too.’ movement was founded in 2006 by Tarana Burke to support survivors of sexual violence, particularly young women of color from low-wealth communities, to find pathways to healing. The organization hosts an array of survivor resources and information.

Sikh Family Center Outreach

About this Organization

Sikh Family Center promotes community health and well-being with a special focus on gender justice. We provide trauma-centered interventions for victim-survivors of violence while working to change the social and cultural conditions that allow gendered violence to occur in the first place. Our training, outreach, and advocacy are grounded in cultural tradition, grassroots power, and intergenerational healing.


Contact Information

Nationwide HelpLine
Free & Private

Sikh Family Center’s non-emergency helpline is the first of its kind for the Sikh American community.

Sikh Family Center’s helpline provides culturally specific peer-counseling and non-emergency support for community members in Punjabi and English. The phone line is staffed by volunteers committed to supporting community members facing or fearing any threats to their health, safety, and/or security. We connect members of our community with resources they may not otherwise access. When you call, please leave a message on our voicemail. We try our best to return your call within 48 hours.

CONTACT US – Sikh Family Center

State or Territory Served

South Asian SOAR

About this Organization

South Asian SOAR is a national collective of survivors, organizations, and allies building a movement to end gender-based violence in the South Asian diaspora. Through capacity building, leadership development, and policy advocacy, we seek to build people power to drive systems-level change.

Contact Information
Type of Organization
State or Territory Served

Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition

About this Organization

Through unity we will strengthen our voices
and build resources to create awareness and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children. We will vigorously apply our efforts toward influencing social change and reclaim our traditional values that honor the sovereignty of Indian women and children.

Creating Safety and Justice Through the Teachings of Our Grandmothers

Contact Information



State or Territory Served

Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF)

About this Organization

Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF) was founded to help address domestic violence and sexual assault in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.

Our mission is to build healthy and safe communities by addressing the root causes and consequences of family violence and violence against women. We are committed to meeting the specific cultural and language needs of Asian and Pacific Islander women and their families.

Our vision is of an Asian and Pacific Islander community that embraces healthy relationships and works in partnership with other communities to eradicate all forms of violence.

Contact Information

SUITE 1000

Contact Us
If you need immediate assistance, please call our helpline 1-800-339-3940

State or Territory Served