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New Data from CDC Shows Increased Violence and Trauma for Teens, and How Schools Can Be a Lifeline

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released a new report of findings from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS is a survey conducted every two years of a nationally representative sample of U.S.

Interview with One Love Foundation

This Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, we reached out to One Love Foundation to continue the ongoing conversation about teen dating violence education and prevention. As a nonprofit that facilitates educational workshops from elementary schools to college campuses, they excel in their ability to speak to young people about understanding abusive behaviors in relationships and what healthy behaviors look like.

Remembering the Children of Native American Residential Schools

All too often, white Americans mythologize our history to the point where we erase the horrors perpetrated by the leaders of our past. On Thanksgiving, we commonly celebrate the story of Native Americans and Pilgrims coming together while ignoring the centuries of bloodshed and trauma colonizers enacted upon the original inhabitants of this country. 

April is also Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is the month we highlight our annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign; however it is also National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM). The issues of sexual violence and child abuse, have many connections. Both are part of overarching experiences of harm that contribute to the continued reproduction of trauma and oppression in society and across generations.

Fill the Holidays With Books!

With holidays swiftly approaching, schools are about to let out and families may be spending a lot of time together under one roof. These days can hit like a whirlwind and be gone before we know it - or they could drag on with stress, anxiety, and boredom. Since the best thing we can give our kids is our time, I wanted to share a few children’s books held within the Respect Together library that kids can read on their own or with caregivers or loved ones.