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Colleges and Universities

How Alcohol and Sexual Violence Meet on Campus During a Pandemic - Part 1 Megan Thomas Mon, 07/19/2021

On this episode, we discuss sexual violence and alcohol consumption and how prevention efforts can impact young men.

Report on the AAU Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct Chad Sniffen Fri, 04/30/2021

This report represents the second iteration of a major effort by the Association of American Universities (AAU) to examine the prevalence of, and assess the campus climate regarding, sexual assault and misconduct at colleges and universities. The goal of these surveys is to gather as much information about the issue as possible to help inform member schools as they create policies and strategies to combat sexual assault and misconduct on their campuses. In 2015, AAU and 27 of its member schools designed and implemented a survey on sexual assault, other misconduct, and the campus climate.

Key Findings from "Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Primary Prevention Strategy for Sexual Violence Perpetration"

"Comprehensive Sexuality Education as a Primary Prevention Strategy for Sexual Violence Perpetration" explains the link between school-based sex education programs and sexual violence prevention, and how sex education can become an important strategy in preventing harm.

SART Toolkit Section 6.11

Section 6: Victim-Centered Approaches

The Resource Spring/Summer 2017

The Spring/Summer 2017 edition of The Resource explores how researchers at Rutgers University collaborated to create a campus climate tool. They share lessons learned and measurable steps for other schools considering climate assessments. The issue also includes:

  • How RESTORE Sexual Assault Services works with campuses in New York
  • The work #LoveWITHAccountability is doing to end child sexual abuse
  • Services offered through the uSafeNH app
  • How Iowa's service transition allowed them to reach more survivors
  • And more!